Bu davr soborining funksional mazmuni ham o‘zgaradi. U shahaming ijtimoiy markaziga aylanadi. Bu yerda taot-ibodatdan tashqari shahar majlislari o‘tkazilar, munozaralar uyushtirilar hamda universitet leksiyalari o‘qilar edi. Endilikda sobor binosim qurishda faqat diniy qoyalarnigina emas, balki ijtimoiy hayot ruhi, katta kollektiv qudrati ham tarqib etiladi. Gotika soborlarining ilgariga intiluvchi shaklida esa davr kishilarining ozodlikka va yorugMikka intilishlari o‘z aksini topdi. Bunday taassurot berishda soborning minoralari muhim o‘rinni egallaydi. U soborning yanada baland, yengil bo‘lib ko‘rinishiga xizmat qiladi. Shu bilan birga, bu minoralarda funksional ahamiyatiga ega bo‘lgan, ya’niy ular shahami kuzatib turish uchun hamda yong‘in o‘chi- ruvchilar uchun ham mo‘ljallangan. Ba’zi minoralarning uch qismi xuroz tasviri bilan tugallanganligi ham shu mazmunni-ziyrak bo‘lib turish lozimligini bildirgan. 3 8 3 H isto ry o f A rchitecture A .D .F .H a m lin . A. M. P ro fessor o f the history o f Architecture in the sc h o o l o f Architecture. C O L U M B IA , U N IV E R S IR Y .1 9 9 & S E V E N T H E D IT IO N . P .9 9 (G o th ic a r c h ite c tu r e is a sty le o f architecture that flourished during the high a n d late m ed ie v a l p eriod. It e v o lv e d from R om anesque architectureand w as su c c ee d e d by R en a issa n ce architecture. O rig in a tin g in I2 fh -c e n tu iy France a nd lasting into the 16th centu ry, G o th ic architecture w as know n d u rin g the period a s Opus / ’’randgenum ("French work") w ith th e term Gothic first appearing during the later part o f th e R en a issa n ce. Its ch ara cteristics include th e pointed arch, the ribbed vault and the fly in g buttress