Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar
1. Axatov M.S Uzluksiz ta’lim tizimida ommaviy sport-sog’lomlashtirish
ishlarini boshqarish” Toshkent 2005-yil 235-bet
2. Abdullayev. A Xonkeldiyev.Sh “Jismoniy tarbiya nazariyasi va usuliyati”
darslik Toshkent -2005 199-bet
3. Salomov.R.S “Sport mashg’ulotining nazariy asoslari” o’quv o’llanma
Toshkent 2005-yil 238-bet
1. Akhatov MS Management of mass sports and health activities in the system of
continuing education ”Tashkent 2005 p.235
2. Abdullayev. A Khonkeldiyev.Sh "Theory and methods of physical education"
textbook Tashkent -2005 page 199
3. Salomov.RS "Theoretical bases of sports training" textbook Tashkent 2005 p.
"Science and Education" Scientific Journal
June 2021 / Volume 2 Issue 6