Description and Coding System
(HS) of the World
Customs Organization. For services, CPC, Version 1.0
is the first international classification covering the whole
spectrum of outputs of the various industries, and it can
serve the different analytical needs of statistical and
other users. For example, the Provisional CPC was used
for the elaboration of the categories of services that were
used during the negotiations leading to GATS that were
conducted during the Uruguay Round, and was also used
to describe the balance of payments services components
recommended in BPM5. The general service product
classification of CPC, Version 1.0 will serve as a
guideline for the elaboration of such classifications for
specific areas of the economy, including international
trade in services.
(d) International Standard Industrial Classification
of All Economic Activities, Revision 3
2.36. The
International Standard Industrial
Classification of All Economic Activities, Revision 3 is a
basic tool for fostering international comparability of
data across a wide range of economic and social
statistics, including production, value added,
employment and other economic statistics. It is a
standard classification of productive economic activities
linked as far as possible with the way economic
processes are organized in units. An industry is thus
defined as the set of production units engaged primarily
in the same or similar kinds of productive economic
activity. Criteria relating to the economic transactors
(e.g., financial institutions) and to types of transactions
(intermediate and final consumption, capital formation
etc.) reinforce the considerations for identifying stages
of production. In line with the United Nations
programme for the harmonization of international
economic classifications, ISIC, Rev.3 categories are
correlated with those of CPC, Version 1.0. A correlation
table indicates the main kinds of activities that produce
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