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Relationship between testing for vitamin B12 levels and health outcomes

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7.3 Relationship between testing for vitamin B12 levels and health outcomes

No definitive conclusions can be drawn about the effectiveness of vitamin B12 testing since no prospective comparative trials have been conducted to directly assess the impact of testing on health outcomes in healthy populations or in patients with chronic disease associated with vitamin B12 deficiency.

7.4 Harms associated with vitamin B12 testing

No trials designed to directly measure the risks or harms associated with vitamin B12 testing were identified. However, vitamin B12 testing relies on a blood draw, which is a safe procedure. Vitamin B12 supplements are generally considered safe when taken in amounts that are not higher than the recommended dietary allowance. Thus, it is likely that the consequences of inaccurate or inappropriately interpreted serum vitamin B12 test results, such as a false positive, are relatively small.

7.5 Diagnostic performance of vitamin B12 tests

A 2011 systematic review by Willis and colleagues evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of serum B12 tests using MMA, Hcy and holoTC as a reference standard. The review noted that the available evidence on the diagnostic accuracy of the serum vitamin B12 test is low, due to the lack of a gold reference standard. From the available evidence, diagnosis of conditions amenable to vitamin B12 supplementation on the basis of serum vitamin B12 levels alone cannot be considered a reliable approach to investigating suspected vitamin B12 deficiency. Across clinical indications, practice settings and different methodologies, the authors of the review found low levels of test sensitivity and, to a lesser extent, specificity. The authors of the review also demonstrated that the transition from older assay methods to newer technologies, such as chemiluminescence, was not associated with improved diagnostic accuracy.
Important findings from the 2011 review are summarised below:

  • There is currently no consensus on the best method to estimate vitamin B12 deficiency and vitamin B12 status.

  • Measurement of total serum vitamin B12 is widely used as a standard screening test but there are problems with the sensitivity and specificity of this test.

  • The determination of serum vitamin B12 diagnostic accuracy is difficult to establish due to the absence of a gold standard.

  • The accuracy of the serum vitamin B12 assay differs according to existing reference standards (MMA, Hcy, or holoTC) and subgroups; however, not all variation in serum vitamin B12 test performance may be attributed to serum vitamin B12 assay deficiency.

  • The absence of a gold standard method hampers the ability to compare the various markers of B12 deficiency (MMA, Hcy, and holoTC) with each other.

  • All four biochemical tests have poor specificity.

There is evidence which indicates that holoTC has a comparable or better diagnostic accuracy to that of total serum vitamin B12. This was demonstrated in nine comparative studies that reported a significantly greater area under the curve for holoTC than for vitamin B12 in detecting vitamin B12 deficiency. Only one study reported that the holoTC assay has poorer diagnostic accuracy than the serum vitamin B12 assay. However, there is insufficient evidence to establish holoTC testing as an alternative to either total serum vitamin B12, or levels of MMA or homocysteine in the diagnosis of vitamin B12 deficiency.

7.6 Cost implications of vitamin B12 testing

It is unknown whether measurement of vitamin B12 levels is cost-effective. No costing studies or economic analyses of vitamin B12 testing were identified.

7.7 Conclusions

There has been a substantial increase in the number of claims for vitamin B12/folate testing over the past ten years. Analysis of MBS data indicates that the majority of vitamin B12 testing services are requested by GPs and OMPs for the purposes of screening or testing, rather than follow-up monitoring. There are no Australian clinical practice guidelines that either advocate or recommend against routine testing for vitamin B12. The international clinical practice guidelines vary widely in their recommendations. While some recommend vitamin B12 test as screening tools in commonly encountered illnesses such as dementia, others suggest restricting testing to patients who have already undergone pre-test investigations such as a full blood count or blood film examination. There are no recommendations on the frequency of vitamin B12 testing and there is no direct evidence regarding the clinical utility of vitamin B12 testing in any population.

APPENDIX 1 – References

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