A • Erase the board and write the following heading:
Different ways of learning a foreign language. • Ask the students to suggest ideas. Encourage
them to think of activities people can do both
inside and outside the classroom.
• Make a list of their suggestions on the right-
hand side of the board. If the students are
having difficulty thinking of ideas, give one or
two examples and/or prompt them. Help with
vocabulary as needed.
• Include any of the following ideas that the
students do not think of:
• take lessons at university/language school • use online practice websites • read websites/magazines/newspapers • read graded readers or other books • speak to tourists • listen to songs with and without the written lyrics • watch TV shows/films with and without subtitles • communicate with people online (e.g. blogs, chat rooms, email, social networking sites etc) • listen to podcasts • write to a penpal • Elicit or teach the meaning of lyrics (the words
of a song), graded reader (a book containing
simple text designed especially for people
who are learning a foreign language), subtitles (the words of what people are saying on a TV
programme that appear on the screen), penpal (a friend you write letters to, usually in a different
country) and podcast (a radio show that you can
download or listen to on the internet).