4.2 Micro-architecture A dictionary article should also display a micro-architecture. According to
Wiegand (1996: 143), the micro-architecture "aids the reception of this mode of
presentation so that dictionary articles which are arranged in this manner are
user-friendlier than articles which lack a micro-architecture". The following
articles illustrate the lack and occurrence of micro-architecture.
Moos, das; -es, -e 1.
kleine, in großer, dicht stehen- der Menge, vorzugsweise an schattigen, feuchten Stellen wachsende immergrüne, sich durch Sporen vermehrende Pflanze : weiches, grünes M.; Moose
und Flechten; sich im Wald ins M., auf das M.
setzen — 2. /
o. Pl. / umg.
Geld (1): da muß doch
eine Masse M. herausspringen
Example 7: Article without micro-architecture
Moos, das; es, -e
1.kleine, in großer, dicht stehender Men- ge, vorzugsweise an schattigen, feuchten Stellen wachsende immergrüne, sich durch Sporen vermehrende Pflanze; wei-
ches, grünes M.; Moose und Flechten;
sich im Wald ins M., auf das M. setzen.
2. /o. Pl./ umg. Geld (1): da muß doch
eine Masse M. herausspringen.
Example 8: Article with micro-architecture
The conventional linear presentation of data types in example 7 makes it diffi-
cult for the user to retrieve the information and the process also takes longer. In
example 8 the data types are clearly separated, also by the use of space, and the
polysemes are placed under one another. The internal search route of the sec-
ond article is facilitated by the finely planned micro-architecture. Every micro-
structural element must have a function and place in the dictionary article and
it must be presented in an unambiguous way so that the information can be
retrieved easily and rapidly.
The micro-architecture of dictionary articles also implies that all the differ-
ent microstructural elements have to be employed in an interactive relation to
one another. The different microstructural categories should complement each
other without increasing the degree of textual condensation in the article. It is
therefore of great importance that the lexicographer already decides on the
design and well-structured micro-architecture of the article during the plan-
ning stages in order to assist the user when he/she is negotiating the article
internal search route. The lexicographer can use a lay-out sample with speci-
men articles to make sure that the micro-architecture leads to user-friendliness
and readability.