3: Introduction to Photogrammetry Course Structure: Lectures: 2 /
Labs: 1 Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Nil Objectives: This course attempts to provide basic knowledge about the
key elements of photogrammetry such as cameras, aerial photographs,
techniques of measuring 2 D and 3 D objects, stereophotogrammetry and
its applications.
Course Outline: Introduction, history and Overview, Analog, analytical,
and digital photogrammetry, Photogrammetric cameras, Review of data
acquisition and single photograph properties, Spatial measurement and
scale calculation, Problems with aerial photograph and rectification of a
single aerial photograph, Aerial Photograph Interpretation, Types of Aerial
HEC — RS&GIS Curricula 2005
Photograph and mosaics, Stereoscopic Analysis DEM generation,
Orthophotography/Orthoimage, applications.