4.7.2 Useful hints: Things Not To Do 1. Run over time
2. Get bogged down in detail
3. Read from a script
4. Look at the projection screen (unless you need to)
5. Prepare too many slides/overheads
6. Put too much detail on slides/overheads
7. Use flashy Powerpoint tricks which distract the audience
8. Use software applications in real-time (use screen dumps)
4.8 Let computers replace creativity Real time software demonstrations can be impressive but need to be
carefully rehearsed and a backup plan needs to be in place if the demo fails
for some reason (which often seems to happen).
If the presentation is important (e.g conference) and you are preparing a
power point presentation, it is worthwhile printing out overheads as a
backup in case of hardware and/or software failure at the critical moment.