Microsoft Word tutorial origin doc

NOTE: After making appropriate settings, your figure should have axes and tick marks on all four

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NOTE: After making appropriate settings, your figure should have axes and tick marks on all four 
sides; bottom and left axes should have titles and numbers on them; and each axis should extend 
in each direction slightly beyond data points and numerical scales. 


E. Sizing and positioning
The small square in the top left corner of your figure with a number in it (the Layer icon) can be used 
to adjust the size and position of your figure. 
a. Double-click on the “Layer icon”; click on “Layer properties” in the pop-up menu and select 
the “Size/speed” note card. 
b. Make sure the “Units” box reads % of page; set both “Left” and “Top” to 20, “Width” to 65 and 
Height” to 50; click on “OK/ OK”. The figure should be sized and positioned nicely on the 
F. Relabeling the X axis 
The purpose here is to illustrate how to use subscripts/superscripts, etc. and how to control font 
sizes. The abscissa is to be relabeled Concentration (10
 mol/L) and set to “font size” 24.
1. To insert the 10
mol/L unit: 
a. Double click on “x axis label”, a pop-up box will appear with the title, Concentration, in the 
top and bottom sub-boxes. (This is the title you gave the X axis earlier.) 
b. Place the cursor just after Concentration in the top box, insert a space and type (10 mol/L)
c. To insert the -4 power, locate the cursor just after the 10, click on “x
” at the top right side of 
the label square and type -4 in the parentheses that appear. 
d. Click on “OK”. 
2.To set the font size of the X axis to 24, replace any number in the “Size” box with 24. 
3. Follow the same procedure to set the font size of the Y-axis title to 24. 

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