these instructions, JQuiz will be used as an example. JQuiz can feature multiple-‐choice questions and
short-‐answer questions. Quizzes can also feature a mixture of multiple choice
and short answer known
as a hybrid question; questions can also be designed to allow students to select multiple answers.
The basic construction for JQuiz is:
Title – This is where to place the name of your quiz.
Q# -‐ This block is where questions can be added to the quiz. To scroll
through the questions that
have been added, select the up and down arrows located next to the question number.
Answers –
In the blocks below Answer are where the answers to the question are added. These
can be single words or entire paragraphs depending on the needs of the activity.
Feedback – Each answer can be given specific feedback that can
specify why that answer is
correct or incorrect.
Settings – Under
Settings, conditions can be set for each answer. For JQuiz to properly work, at
least one must have the
Accept as Correct box checked.
Menu – The top row of buttons in Hot Potatoes is the basic commands for the software such as
file, edit, and insert. These commands are similar to those found
in more common programs
such as Microsoft Word.
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