Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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Ajiniyazov Yusup

Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation of the
Republic of Uzbekistan

«Finance and financial technologist»

1 course, group 19

Name science: Intensive foreign language course

Prepared: Ajiniyazov Yusup


Theme: My hobby
Hobby is what a person likes to do in his spare time. Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste you are lucky because your life becomes more interesting. The most popular hobby is doing things. It includes a wide variety of activities from gardening to traveling, from chess to volleyball. Both grown-ups and children are fond of playing different computer games. This hobby is becoming more and more popular. Making things include drawing, painting, handicrafts. Many people collect something - coins, stamps, compact discs, toys, books. Some collections have some value. Rich people often collect paintings, rare things and other art objects. Often such private collections are given to museums, libraries.
As for me, I like to listen to music. 3 months ago my parents bought me a compact disc player and I decided to collect compact discs. I like different music, it should be good. I collect discs of my favourite groups and singers. I carefully study the information printed on discbooklets. I try to find everything about my favourite singers. Also I like to watch music programmes on TV. I want to keep up with the news in the world of music.
Of course, I like to spend my spare time with my friends. We talk about all sorts of things ( politics, teachers, girls). We discuss films, books, TV programmes. In fine weather we like to be in the open air. We find a nice place somewhere in the forest. We make a fire, bake potatoes and have a lot of fun. When the weather is bad, my friends come to my place. We have a good time together.
My hobby is reading. It has been a great pleasure for me since my childhood. The world of literature is fascinating and infinite. It certainly doesn’t mean that I love all the books. To tell the truth, finding a good book is not so easy. I prefer historical novels, classical and informative literature and some professional books concerning business and management as I am going to run a business of my own in future. I never choose a book only by its colourful cover. As a rule, I look through its pages, read about the writer and his awards. My favourite writers are Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas and Dan Brown.
It goes without saying that some of the books have become my favourites. When I open one of them I immerse in the world of my favourite heroes at once. A book is able to make me laugh or cry because I start feeling exactly what the characters feel. I experience somebody’s pain or joy and I understand that the art of the word in some books is extremely powerful. The book gives me a chance to look at our life through the author’s eyes, to analyze and agree or disagree with his point of view. Sometimes a book can completely change my way of thinking or help me to solve some serious personal or psychological problem.
Unfortunately today most of people and teenagers are not fond of reading. They would rather prefer going to night clubs or just watching TV. They find reading a bit boring or a waste of time. To my mind everything depends on the book. I am sure that without reading one cannot become an intelligent and educated person. People would consider him to be ignorant, illiterate or even ill-mannered, his vocabulary would be quite poor.
I should say that I enjoy reading not only books. I read magazines and I also surf the net and subscribe to interesting sites. These media can undoubtedly provide me with boundless and useful knowledge too. And by the way I often read e-books instead of the paper ones.
The book is my best and precious friend and it’s always with me. I devote most of my free time to reading. I read in transport or when I have to wait in a queue. I always take a good book with me when I travel or go on holidays. And I usually read before going to bed because it helps me to unwind at the end of a long and stressful day. I never feel lonely when I have a great book in my hands.
And I love a sport. Sport plays an important role in our life. Sport is health and our future. If you want to live long and if you want to have an interesting life, sport will help you.
For me sport became my hobby long time ago. I remember I started to do morning exercises when I was 6-7 years old. I like physical education and do all exercises with pleasure.
First of all sport gives me a lot of energy and makes me strong. You can swim, run, play football or basketball. If you do it regularly you will see how wonderful you can feel. My muscles work and I feel a big power inside of me.
Another good thing is that sport keeps me busy. Many teenagers prefer computers and mobile phones today, but I choose active life. I am sure these people will understand one day how many things they have missed.
Sport can unite people. Some of my friends like basketball, somebody choose swimming and someone wants to do jogging. Just imagine, how many new interesting people you can meet because you have the same hobby.
Just don’t do sport only if you want to follow the fashion. Today sport become more popular and people want to be fashionable. I think it’s not smart. Sport should become your habit. Then you will see that you do it and enjoy the process.
In general any kind of activity is better than doing nothing. There are people more quiet but I am not so. I am full of energy and I am ready to share it with my family and friends. And now I know that sport gives me this energy.
Hobby is something we need to enjoy doing this. I admire the people that reach a great success in sport. They are my motivators. I hope in future to become the motivator for somebody. But for this you need to love you hobby and to do it with pleasure every second.

Xobbi - bu odam bo'sh vaqtida nima qilishni yaxshi ko'radi. Xobbilar ta'mga o'xshab farq qiladi. Agar siz o'zingizning xarakteringiz va didingizga qarab sevimli mashg'ulotni tanlagan bo'lsangiz, siz omadlisiz, chunki hayotingiz yanada qiziqarli bo'ladi. Eng mashhur sevimli mashg'ulot narsa qilishdir. U bog‘dorchilikdan tortib sayohatga qadar, shaxmatdan voleybolgacha bo‘lgan turli tadbirlarni o‘z ichiga oladi. Kattalar ham, bolalar ham turli xil kompyuter o'yinlarini o'ynashni yaxshi ko'radilar. Bu sevimli mashg'ulot tobora ommalashib bormoqda. Buyum yasashga rasm chizish, rasm chizish, hunarmandchilik kiradi. Ko'pchilik biror narsa - tangalar, shtamplar, kompakt disklar, o'yinchoqlar, kitoblarni yig'adi. Ba'zi to'plamlar qandaydir qiymatga ega. Boy odamlar ko'pincha rasmlar, noyob narsalar va boshqa san'at buyumlarini yig'adilar. Ko'pincha bunday shaxsiy kolleksiyalar muzeylarga, kutubxonalarga beriladi.

Menga kelsak, musiqa tinglashni yaxshi ko'raman. 3 oy oldin ota-onam menga kompakt disk pleer sotib olishdi va men kompakt disklarni yig'ishga qaror qildim. Menga turli musiqa yoqadi, bu yaxshi bo'lishi kerak. Men sevimli guruhlarim va xonandalarimning disklarini yig'aman. Men disk bukletlarida chop etilgan ma'lumotlarni diqqat bilan o'rganaman. Men sevimli xonandalarim haqida hamma narsani topishga harakat qilaman. Shuningdek, men televizorda musiqiy dasturlarni tomosha qilishni yaxshi ko'raman. Musiqa olamidagi yangiliklardan xabardor bo‘lishni xohlayman.
Albatta, men bo'sh vaqtimni do'stlarim bilan o'tkazishni yaxshi ko'raman. Biz har xil narsalar haqida gaplashamiz (siyosat, o'qituvchilar, qizlar). Biz filmlar, kitoblar, teledasturlarni muhokama qilamiz. Yaxshi ob-havoda biz ochiq havoda bo'lishni yaxshi ko'ramiz. Biz o'rmonda yaxshi joy topamiz. Biz olov yoqamiz, kartoshka pishiramiz va juda ko'p zavqlanamiz. Ob-havo yomon bo'lganda, do'stlarim mening joyimga kelishadi. Biz birga vaqtimizni yaxshi o'tkazamiz.
Mening sevimli mashg'ulotim o'qish. Bolaligimdan bu men uchun katta baxt. Adabiyot olami maftunkor va cheksizdir. Bu, albatta, men barcha kitoblarni yaxshi ko'raman degani emas. Rostini aytsam, yaxshi kitob topish unchalik oson emas. Menga tarixiy romanlar, klassik va informatsion adabiyotlar hamda biznes va menejmentga oid ba'zi professional kitoblarni afzal ko'raman, chunki men kelajakda o'z biznesimni yuritmoqchiman. Men hech qachon kitobni rang-barang muqovasiga qarab tanlamayman. Qoida tariqasida, men uning sahifalarini ko'rib chiqaman, yozuvchi va uning mukofotlari haqida o'qiyman. Mening sevimli yozuvchilarim - Viktor Gyugo, Aleksandr Dyuma va Den Braun.
Aytish kerakki, ba'zi kitoblar mening sevimli kitoblarimga aylandi. Ulardan birini ochganimda darhol o'zimning sevimli qahramonlarim dunyosiga sho'ng'ib ketaman. Kitob meni kuldirishi yoki yig'lashi mumkin, chunki men qahramonlar nimani his qilayotganini his qila boshlayman. Men kimningdir dardini yoki quvonchini boshdan kechiraman va ba'zi kitoblardagi so'z san'ati juda kuchli ekanligini tushunaman. Kitob menga hayotimizga muallifning nigohi bilan qarash, tahlil qilish va uning nuqtai nazariga qo'shilish yoki qo'shilmaslik imkonini beradi. Ba'zan kitob mening fikrlash tarzimni butunlay o'zgartirishi yoki jiddiy shaxsiy yoki psixologik muammolarni hal qilishda yordam berishi mumkin.
Afsuski, bugungi kunda ko'pchilik va o'smirlar kitob o'qishni yoqtirmaydilar. Ular tungi klublarga borishni yoki shunchaki televizor tomosha qilishni afzal ko'rishadi. Ular o'qishni biroz zerikarli yoki vaqtni behuda sarflash deb bilishadi. Menimcha, hamma narsa kitobga bog'liq. Ishonchim komilki, o'qimasdan aqlli va bilimli odam bo'lmaydi. Odamlar uni johil, savodsiz yoki hatto odobsiz deb hisoblashar, uning so'z boyligi ancha zaif bo'lar edi.
Aytishim kerakki, men nafaqat kitob o'qishni yoqtiraman. Men jurnallarni o'qiyman, shuningdek, tarmoqni kezaman va qiziqarli saytlarga obuna bo'laman. Ushbu ommaviy axborot vositalari, shubhasiz, menga cheksiz va foydali bilimlarni ham berishi mumkin. Aytgancha, men qog'oz o'rniga ko'pincha elektron kitoblarni o'qiyman.
Kitob mening eng yaxshi va qadrli do'stim va u doim men bilan. Men bo'sh vaqtimni ko'p qismini kitob o'qishga bag'ishlayman. Men transportda yoki navbatda kutish kerak bo'lganda o'qiyman. Sayohatga yoki ta’tilga chiqsam doim o‘zim bilan yaxshi kitob olaman. Va men odatda yotishdan oldin o'qiyman, chunki bu uzoq va stressli kun oxirida dam olishga yordam beradi. Qo'limda ajoyib kitob bo'lsa, o'zimni hech qachon yolg'iz his qilmayman.
Va men sportni yaxshi ko'raman. Sport hayotimizda muhim o'rin tutadi. Sport - bu salomatlik va kelajagimiz. Agar siz uzoq umr ko'rmoqchi bo'lsangiz va qiziqarli hayot kechirishni istasangiz, sport sizga yordam beradi.
Men uchun sport uzoq vaqtdan beri sevimli mashg'ulotimga aylangan. Esimda, ertalabki mashqlarni 6-7 yoshligimda boshlaganman. Men jismoniy tarbiyani yaxshi ko'raman va barcha mashqlarni zavq bilan bajaraman.
Birinchi navbatda sport menga katta kuch bag'ishlaydi va meni kuchli qiladi. Siz suzishingiz, yugurishingiz, futbol yoki basketbol o'ynashingiz mumkin. Agar buni muntazam ravishda qilsangiz, o'zingizni qanchalik ajoyib his qilishingizni ko'rasiz. Mushaklarim ishlaydi va ichimda katta kuch borligini his qilaman.
Yana bir yaxshi tomoni shundaki, sport meni band qiladi. Bugungi kunda ko'plab o'smirlar kompyuter va mobil telefonlarni afzal ko'rishadi, lekin men faol hayotni tanlayman. Ishonchim komilki, bu odamlar bir kun kelib qancha narsalarni o'tkazib yuborishganini tushunishadi.
Sport odamlarni birlashtirishi mumkin. Ba'zi do'stlarim basketbolni yaxshi ko'radi, kimdir suzishni tanlaydi, kimdir yugurishni xohlaydi. Tasavvur qiling-a, qancha yangi qiziqarli odamlar bilan tanishishingiz mumkin, chunki sizda bir xil sevimli mashg'ulotingiz bor.
Faqat modaga amal qilishni istasangizgina sport bilan shug'ullanmang. Bugungi kunda sport tobora ommalashib bormoqda va odamlar moda bo'lishni xohlashadi. Menimcha, bu aqlli emas. Sport sizning odatingizga aylanishi kerak. Shunda siz buni qilayotganingizni va jarayondan zavqlanayotganingizni ko'rasiz.
Umuman olganda, har qanday faoliyat hech narsa qilmaslikdan yaxshiroqdir. Yana tinchroq odamlar bor, lekin men unday emasman. Men energiyaga to'laman va uni oilam va do'stlarim bilan baham ko'rishga tayyorman. Va endi bilaman, sport menga bu energiya beradi.
Xobbi biz buni qilishdan zavq olishimiz kerak bo'lgan narsadir. Men sportda katta muvaffaqiyatlarga erishayotgan insonlarga qoyil qolaman. Ular mening motivatorlarim. Umid qilamanki, kelajakda kimgadir motivator bo'laman. Ammo buning uchun siz sevimli mashg'ulotingizni sevishingiz va uni har soniyada zavq bilan qilishingiz kerak.
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