Question 2 : What are the key elements of an effective advertisement?
Answer: Effective advertisements share common elements such as a clear message,
compelling visuals , emotional appeal, and a call to action. They aim to capture the viewer's
attention, create a connection, and
inspire them to take a specific step, whether it's making a
purchase or supporting a cause.
High-level vocabulary with examples: 1)
Compelling visuals (collocation) - Visually attractive and engaging components of an
Example: "The use of compelling visuals in an advertisement can draw viewers in and make a lasting impression." 2)
Inspire them to take a specific step (collocation) - Motivate individuals to complete a
particular action.
Example: "Effective advertisements inspire viewers to take a specific step, whether it's clicking a link or making a donation." Question 3 : How do advertisements influence consumer behavior?
Answer: Advertisements have a
profound influence on consumer behavior. They create
desire, establish brand loyalty, and affect purchasing decisions. Through effective marketing
strategies, ads
tap into human psychology , addressing needs and aspirations, and ultimately
guiding consumers in their choices.
High-level vocabulary with examples :
Profound influence (collocation) - A significant and deep impact.
Example: "Advertisements have a profound influence on consumer preferences and purchasing habits." 2)
Tap into human psychology (collocation) - Utilize knowledge of human thought and
Example: "Successful advertisements tap into human psychology to connect with the