2020 № 2 (70) Вестник Ростовского государственного экономического университета (РИНХ) Investment serves as a major source
of economic growth in any country, Nige-
ria inclusive; whether it is from domestic
or foreign sources, its importance is crucial
for sustainable economic performance.
Economic role of transnational corpora-
tions (TNCs) is simply to channel physical
and financial capital to countries with capi-
tal shortages. As consequence, wealth is
created, which yields new jobs directly and
through «crowding-in» effects. In addition,
new tax revenues arise from transnational
corporations‘ generated income, allowing
developing countries to improve their in-
frastructures and to strengthen their human
capital. By improving the efficiency of
capital flows, transnational corporations
reduce world poverty levels and provide a
positive externality that is consistent with
United Nations‘ (UN) mission — countries
are encouraged to cooperate and to seek
peaceful solutions to external and internal
conflicts (Quinlivan, 2005). In all, transna-
tional corporations (TNCs) can spur eco-
nomic activities in developing countries and
provide an opportunity to improve the qual-
ities of life, economic growth, and regional
and global commons (Litvin, 2002) [5].
Activities of transnational corpora-
tions are supportive to the growth and de-
velopment of many countries including
Nigeria. Transnational corporations are
capable of contributing to the growth of
real output direct investment in production
of tangible goods in economy. Presence of
transnational corporations in host countries
reduces the host countries‘ propensity to
import and leads to increased competition
in the host countries which promote effi-
cient allocation of production resources
(Bakare, 2010). Nigeria has witnessed high
inflows of foreign direct investment as a
result of investment in the Global System
of Mobil (GSM) telecommunication. Oil
sector of economy has also witnessed an
increased level of FDI as evidenced by in-
creasing numbers and operations of oil
transnational corporations in country,
transnational corporations transfer tech-
nology directly to their foreign owned en-
terprises and indirectly to domestic owned
firms in host countries [6].