Museums Board of Victoria 2010–11 Annual Report Additional Information Contents

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Museums Board of Victoria

2010–11 Annual Report

Additional Information

Awards 2

Externally Funded Projects 4

Honorary Appointments 7

Honorary Life Fellows 7

Honorary Associates 8

History and Technology 8

Indigenous Cultures 8

Sciences 9

Museology: Information Technology and Multimedia 10

Research Associates 11

History and Technology 11

Indigenous Cultures 11

Sciences 11

Lightning Room 12

Lectures and Presentations 13

Conference Presentations 13

Lectures and Seminars 25

Publications 32

Refereed Journals 32

Non-refereed Journals and Reports 39

Books and Book Chapters 41

Other Publications 44

Alley, N., Brownbill, J., Lambert, M., Muscat, A. and Molloy, J. 2011. Making History: research, create, share, interactive online resource, Museum Victoria (online at: 44

Suda, L. 2010. Philosophy Guides for Melbourne Museum, Museum Victoria (online at: 46

Research Supervision 47

History and Technology 47

Sciences 47

Supporters 51


Temporary Exhibitions 53

Immigration Museum 53

This exhibition celebrated cultural diversity in Victorian government schools through a display and a documentary presented at the Immigration Museum and online. It showcased creative, multi-platform intercultural projects devised by schools across Victoria. Students and teachers shared their experiences and innovative initiatives through the documentary. The project was in partnership with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development 54

Scienceworks 54

Melbourne Museum 55

Bunjilaka 56

Touring Exhibitions 57


2010 Arts Victoria Portfolio Leadership Awards

Winner, Leadership in Community category: awarded for the Victorian Bushfires Collection

2010 Arts Victoria Portfolio Leadership Awards

Winner, Leadership in Public Programs category: awarded for the Biodiversity Snapshots application

2010 Arts Victoria Portfolio Leadership Awards

Highly commended, Leadership in Business Improvement category: awarded for

Customer Self-service (online ticketing and membership) project

2010 Arts Victoria Portfolio Leadership Awards

Highly commended, Leadership in Collaboration: awarded for My People, Culture and Country exhibition

2010 Arts Victoria Portfolio Leadership Awards

Winner, Leadership in Technology category: awarded for Science and Life gallery redevelopment

2010 Arts Victoria Portfolio Leadership Awards

Award for volunteers (non-competitive category): Museum Victoria for the geosciences volunteer team

2010 Audio Visual Industry Awards

Winner, Innovation Award: Panoramic Navigator (in partnership with Megafun)

2010 Australian Audio Visual Industry Award (AVIA)

Winner, Innovation Award: Museum Victoria and Megafun for Panoramic Navigators in Wild: Amazing Animals in a Changing World exhibition

2010 eLearning Industry Excellence Awards

Highly commended and finalist, eLearning for Kinder to Year 12 category: awarded for Dinosaur Walk website

2010 Interior Design Excellence Award (IDEA), Inside (interior design review magazine)

Winner, Event Design category: Museum Victoria for Wild: Amazing Animals in a Changing World exhibition

2010 Hobsons Bay Business Excellence Awards

Winner, Tourism category: awarded to Scienceworks

2010 Victorian Museum Award, Museums Australia (Victoria)

Winner, Award for Large Museums (51+ paid staff) category: Museum Victoria for Wild: Amazing Animals in a Changing World exhibition

2010 Victorian Tourism Awards

Winner, Major Tourist Attraction category: awarded to Melbourne Museum

2010 Victorian Tourism Awards

Winner, Tourist Attraction category: awarded to Scienceworks

2011 Australasian Reporting Awards

Bronze winner: awarded for the 2008–09 Museum Victoria Annual Report

2011 Best of the Web Award, Museums and the Web (MW2011)

Winner, Audio/Visual/Podcast category: Museum Victoria for “Access All Areas” Podcast Adventures

2011 Excellence in Exhibition Competition Award, American Association of Museums (National Association for Museum Exhibition, Curators' Committee, Committee on Audience Research and Evaluation, and Committee on Education)

Winner, Special Achievement in Innovative Design category: Museum Victoria for Wild: Amazing Animals in a Changing World

2011 MUSE Award, American Association of Museums (Media & Technology Committee)

Winner, gold award, Multimedia Installations category: Museum Victoria for the Rio Tinto Volcanic 3D in AVIE by iCinema UNSW in the Dynamic Earth exhibition

Externally Funded Projects

The following projects received external funding and commenced during the year under review.
Arts Victoria: funding for a Victorian Indigenous art residency within the Bunjilaka redevelopment project
Arts Victoria: Federation Handbells 2010–13
Arts Victoria: upgrade of the air-conditioning at Scienceworks and the commencement of site remediation at the former ACI site in Spotswood
Atlas of Living Australia: grant to purchase imaging equipment and infrastructure support to enhance biodiversity images and information
Atlas of Living Australia: create public websites and associated software for the Pests and Diseases Image Library (PaDIL) and a new product called ‘Bowerbird’
Australian Biological Resources Study National Taxonomy Research Grant Program: research grant for the project ‘Resolving the blue-ringed octopus fauna of Australia: taxonomy, phylogeny and human health hazards of the genus Hapalochlaena (Family Octopodidae)’
Australian Biological Resources Study National Taxonomy Research Grant Program: non-salaried researcher grant for the project ‘Australian Isopoda Antarcturidae: diverse yet undocumented’
Australian Biological Resources Study, through the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities: revision of nomenclatural treatments for the Australian Faunal Directory
Australian Biological Resources Study, through the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities: Bush Blitz survey at the Indigenous Protected Areas of Lake Condah, Victoria
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (Commonwealth): implementation of validation and image parameters in PaDIL
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry: funding to continue work with the Tasmanian Department of Primary Industry looking at one pest and one pathogen through an entire crop-growing season, associated with PaDIL
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry: funding to develop a process for translation of the Plant Health Committee–format fruit fly datasheets to make them available in PaDIL
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry: funding to engage with international contacts for PaDIL in South America (in particular Brazil, Peru and Chile)
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development LOTE unit: support for the Japanese LOTE online Wild resources, as part of the National Asian Languages and Studies in Schools program
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development: grant from the Find, Use and Share Education (FUSE) program to Museum Victoria’s History and Technology and Public Programs departments, to develop online education and learning resources titled ‘Making History: research, create, share’
Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation: funding to create a web portal for remote microscopy, associated with PaDIL
Department of Industry, Innovation and Science Research and the Council of Australasian Museum Directors: International Year of Biodiversity seeding grant for the Art of Scientific Observation: a regional outreach tour
Department of Sustainability and Environment: development of an online marine taxonomic reference tool, as part of the research delivery component of the Seagrass and Reefs Program for Port Phillip Bay
Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities: funding to help protect and conserve Australia’s national historic sites
Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities: National Heritage Week grant to present a lecture and create an online documentary on reinstating the garden surrounds of the Royal Exhibition Building
Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities: Databasing Ant Data from Museum Victoria, in relation to the Australian Natural Heritage Assessment Tool (ANHAT).
Dow Chemicals: contribution to International Year of Chemistry to support Experiment Zone at Scienceworks
IMG Entertainment: funding to develop education kits and professional development activities for the Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs exhibition
Kodak Australasia Pty Ltd: donation to support management of the Kodak Australasia Heritage Collection
Modern Languages Teachers’ Association of Victoria: seeding grant to support Spanish LOTE online resources, Cuéntame Cómo Pasó, and the Discovery Program learning kit La Maleta Viaja
Perpetual Trustee Company Ltd (from the Alan (AGL) Shaw Trust): funding for Museum Victoria’s exhibition renewal program (to assist with developing the exhibition, Identity: Yours, Mine, Ours)
Sustainability Victoria: sponsorship support for the presentation ‘Changing Environmental Conditions for Museums and Galleries’, by Julian Bickersteth from International Conservation Services, hosted at the Royal Exhibition Building and in conjunction with Arts Victoria
Rio Tinto Ltd: sponsorship support for the Dynamic Earth exhibition and to establish the Rio Tinto Innovation Fund
Visions of Australia Program: grant to assist a touring program for the exhibition Ancestral Power and the Aesthetic: Arnhem Land Paintings and Objects from the Donald Thomson Collection

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