Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service
Musk thistle is an introduced invasive broadleaf weed native to Europe, Siberia, Asia Minor and North Af-
rica. It was first introduced into the United States in 1852 in Pennsylvania. Musk thistle now occurs throughout
most of the United States and is found in nearly all 105 Kansas counties. Musk thistle was first reported in Kansas
in 1932 and was declared a noxious weed in 1963. It can be found growing on roadsides, railroad right-of-ways,
building sites, vacant lots, range and pastureland, alfalfa fields and in wheat fallow.
Musk thistle is primarily a biennial or winter annual, relying on seed to reproduce. Seedlings may emerge
any time during the growing season with optimum germination occurring in moist soils with temperatures be-
tween 59 to 86˚F. The plant spends about 90 percent of its lifecycle as a rosette. The rosettes can be identified by
the distinct light green midrib. Leaves are coarsely lobed, spiny, hairless and often have a silver-gray leaf margin.
The stem elongates (bolts) in late April and May and the plants can exceed 6 feet in height. Flowering generally
starts in May and may last several weeks. Musk thistle flower heads are large and have a “powder puff” shape in
comparison to the “shaving brush” heads of many other thistles. Musk thistle flowers generally are rose-purple in
color. Seed dispersal occurs 7 to 10 days after blooming. A single plant is capable of producing in excess of 10,000
seeds. Seeds can remain viable in the soil for a decade or longer.
The goal of any control practice should be to pre-
vent seed production. The first line of defense against
musk thistle invasion on range and pasture is good
grazing management. Use stocking rates designed to
avoid overgrazing, that maintain a competitive cover
and prevent bare ground. Prescribed burning in the
late spring just as the grasses are starting growth will
not directly kill musk thistle, but does stimulate the
warm season grasses that help prevent musk thistle
from becoming established. Cool-season pastures
should also be managed to maintain vigorous competi-
tive stands. Proper stocking rates, proper season of use
for grazing or haying, and maintenance of soil fertility
will generally reduce the likelihood of musk thistle in-
vasion in cool-season grass stands.
Scattered plants of musk thistle can be effectively
controlled by hand cutting and digging. Cut through
the taproot at least 2 inches below the crown to prevent
resprouting. Individual flowering heads can be re-
moved but new heads will develop in the leaf axils un-
less the entire plant is dug and allowed to dry out.
Flowering heads that are removed should be placed in
a tight container and either buried or allowed to rot to
prevent possible seed germination.
Mowing can be an effective control of musk
thistle if done when the plants are in the late-bloom
stage. Repeated mowing is generally necessary to
eliminate seed production and control musk thistle. Re-
search at Kansas State University has shown that a
single mowing at the late bud stage only killed 11 per-
cent of the musk thistle plants. A second mowing, 4
weeks later, increased control to 79 percent.
A number of herbicides are labeled and effective
for control of musk thistle. These include 2,4-D,
Publication Series
Research and Extension
dicamba, picloram and metsulfuron methyl. All chemi-
cals must be applied according to label directions. Spe-
cific recommendations can be found in the annual issue
of Chemical Weed Control for Field Crops, Pastures, Range-
land and Noncropland available
from Kansas State
Chemical control of musk thistle declines after
the plant bolts and begins to flower. Treatment of musk
thistle rosettes in the fall or spring with recommended
herbicides typically results in 90 to 100 percent control.
Herbicide treatment after musk thistle bolts and begins
to flower may control some plants but will probably
not completely eliminate seed production.
Musk thistle control with herbicides is more ef-
fective when the plant is actively growing under condi-
tions of good soil moisture and favorable air tempera-
tures (70 to 90˚F). Air temperatures should exceed 50˚F
when herbicides are applied in the fall. A 6-hour rain-
free period after application is sufficient to ensure ad-
equate absorption of the herbicide.
The head weevil, Rhinocyllus conicus, can provide
biological control of musk thistle. The head weevil was
first released in Kansas in 1973 in Riley County with
widespread release of the organism by 1982. The head
weevil is now commonly found in musk thistle stands
throughout most of northeast and north central Kansas.
The adult weevil lays its eggs on the bracts of the
flower buds. The eggs hatch in 6 to 9 days and the lar-
vae feed on the seed-producing tissue. Adults emerge
starting in mid-July. The head weevil overwinters as an
adult seeking protection under litter, at the base of
plants and in wooded areas.
The rosette weevil, Trichosirocalus horridus, was
first imported and released in Kansas in 1978. The
adults begin laying eggs in the fall within the midrib
on the undersides of the leaves on musk thistle ro-
settes. As larvae hatch, they begin feeding within the
midrib and migrate toward the center of the rosette.
Continual feeding by the larvae causes a blackened ne-
crotic center on the thistle plant. This feeding may
eventually kill the plant but often results in shorter,
multistemmed plants the next spring.
Biological control is a long-term approach to
musk thistle control. Typically, it takes 6 to 10 years af-
ter weevil release to see a significant impact on the
thistle population. Any plan relying on the use of the
musk thistle head or rosette weevil needs to be ap-
proved by the Kansas Department of Agriculture. Con-
tact your local county weed director for assistance in
developing a plan for biological control of musk thistle.
Mechanical, chemical and biological options exist
for control of musk thistle. The approach to use de-
pends on the severity and location of the infestation. A
single approach will work in many cases but long-term
control may be enhanced by integration of methods.
Control options can be integrated in time or space.
Stands with head weevils can be sprayed in the fall or
early spring when thistles are in the rosette stage.
Mowing can be used after the primary heads have
started to die and the adult weevils are emerging. Bio-
logical control might be used exclusively in remote or
environmentally sensitive areas with large thistle
populations. Herbicides or mechanical methods could
be used in adjacent areas to prevent the spread of musk
thistle, allowing time for the weevils to establish and
for suppression to occur.
Chemical Weed Control for Field Crops, Pastures,
Rangeland and Noncropland (Report of Progress issued
Musk Thistle Identification and Control (L-231
Biological Control of Musk Thistle in Kansas (L-873)
Kansas Department of Agriculture. Musk Thistle Of-
ficial Control Program (http://www.ink.org/public/
Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service
It is the policy of Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service that all persons shall have equal opportunit y and
access to its educational programs, services, activities, and materials without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age or disabilit y. Kansas State
Universit y is an equal opportunity organization. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension Work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, as amended. Kansas
State University, County Extension Councils, Extension Districts, and United States Department of Agriculture Cooperating, Marc A. Johnson, Director.
Contact: Walter H. Fick
Associate Professor
Range Management
Telephone: 785-532-7223
FAX: 785-532-6094
E-mail: whfick@ksu.edu