Key Words: ecological groups, edible, fungi, macromy-
cetes, poisonous, species
Information of the first mushroom records (Polyporus
officinalis (Vill.) Fr., Tuber album Bull., Tuber
melanosporum Vittad., Morchella esculenta (L.) Pers.)
in Azerbaijan was mentioned in the medieval manu-
scripts [Alakbarli, 2006]. Based on available litera-
ture the first fungal collections were made by foreign
botanists and mycologists who visited Azerbaijan
[Georgi, 1800; Kolenati 1858; Voronov 1922-1923].
But the recorded and reported information on mush-
rooms is scanty, only few published works about fungi
reached us [Aghayeva, 2018]. Significant contribution
towards studying mushrooms belongs to A. Sadiqov,
who launched first investigations on diversity since 60s
of the last century. In the result of this effort a wide
range of mushrooms were investigated in the country
[Opred…, 1985; Sadiqov, 1968, 1972, 2007; Sadiqov,
Aghayeva, 2016]. Currently, about 2300 specimens of
more than 800 mushroom taxa, much of which were
collected by him, are stored in the Herbarium of the In-
stitute of Botany (BAK) of ANAS [Aghayeva, 2018].
The study of fungi of various regions is also carried
out continuously in order to identify species diversity,
as well as rare and endangered species of fungi of the
country [Ağayeva, Sadıqov, 2009, 2014; Qənbərov və
s., 2012; Sadiqov, 1968].
The Greater Caucasus is among the botanically most
diverse regions worldwide. Shaki district is one of the
largest regions of northwestern Azerbaijan, which is
located along the southern Caucasus mountain range.
The area is rich in coniferous and mixed deciduous for-
ests, and dominated by oak, beech, birch and hornbeam.
The territory of the district can be divided into several
climatic zones. Soils and climate are favorable for the
growth of wide range of mushrooms. Plant diversity of
the area is well studied, taking into account the number
of herbarium samples kept in the BAK, but information
on mushroom diversity is insufficient.
Thus, the aim of present study was to investigate the
diversity of mushrooms in Shaki district, determine the
systematic composition considering the latest taxonom-
ic and nomenclatural changes, reveal ecological groups
and distribution of mushrooms along elevation gradi-
ents, detect rare and endangered species in the country
and identify the possibility of their use.
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