Many computer users are surprised to learn that a computer can run without a keyboard and a mouse. Both devices are not required for a computer to run, which is why they're considered peripherals. Many servers at data centers have no keyboard or mouse, and are often managed remotely.
Today, most non-wireless peripheral devices use one of the following types of cables and connections to connect to a computer. These cable and connection types are listed in order of most common to least common.
Older peripheral devices used one of the following types of cables and connections to connect to a computer.
Parallel port
Serial port
Some peripheral devices are designed to use a wireless connection to connect to a computer. The most common wireless protocols used by wireless peripheral devices are listed below.
Are peripherals internal or external?
Generally speaking, most peripherals are external devices. However, there are also devices like a sound card and tape drive that are internal devices and also peripherals. So, a peripheral could be an external or internal device.
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