Giving feedback- giving information to students about their learning. It focuses on students' language or skills, the ideas in their work, their behaviour, their attitude to learning or their progress.
Goodwill- the ability of an individual or business to exert influence within a community, club, market, or another type of group, without having to resort to the use of an asset (such as money or property)
Hind – the hind legs or feet of an animal are it’s back legs
Homesickness-feeling sad and alone because you are far from your home
Inductive- reasoning from particular facts or ideas to a general rule
Inclusive- including all costs
Interpreting - an explanation of the meaning or importance of something
Imprint – mark, stamp, impression
Input- help in the form of ideas, advice or information used in a process
Interaction-the activity of being with and talking to other people
Integrated skills- To combine all skills as productive and receptive skills in teaching process
Integrate the reading – involving all four skills
Jigsaw reading- Students read a short text which sets up a problem and then, in three groups, they read three different texts, all of which are about the same thing
Lesson plan- a document that outlines the content of your lesson step-by-step
Limit- to reduce or control someone’s freedom to do what they want
Linguistic competence- the ability to recognize the elements of the writing system; knowledge of vocabulary; knowledge of how words are structured into sentences
Luxurious- very expensive and comfortable
Managing classroom- succeeds in doing something, organize and control