gradually increased at a rate of 5 deg/min [17]. The samples are heated to a temperature of
T=550÷700 ºC and held at this temperature for t=10÷20 min, then t
he temperature is raised
at a rate of 15÷16 ºC/min to a value of T=960÷1100 ºC (Figure 1). The samples are held at
this temperature for 5÷10 min, then the ampoules are removed from the oven and cooled at
a rate of 200 ºC/sec.
Fig. 1.
Technology of low-temperature step-by-step method of silicon doping with manganese atoms
It is known from the literature [18-20] that the ESR method is often used to investigate
the state of manganese atoms in the silicon crystal lattice.
Manganese atoms are paramagnetic centres with spin S=5/2 (3d5 4s0) and depending on
the doping condition can be found in the crystal lattice of silicon in the states Mn0 (3d5
4s2), Mn+ (3d5 4s1), Mn++ (3d5 4s0) or [MnB]+.
If we consider that manganese atoms in silicon create two donor energy levels E1=EC-
0.27 eV and E2=EC-0.5 eV [19] then in compensated samples p-Si
=(5÷10)·103 Ohm·cm, in which the Fermium energy equals EF=EV+(0.38÷0.45) eV, all
injected manganese atoms are mainly in double positively ionized state Mn++. As the
Fermi level shifts towards conduction zone the concentration of atoms in [Mn]++ state
decreases and correspondingly the concentration of atoms in Mn+ and Mn0 states
increases, and in overcompensated samples manganese atoms are mainly in Mn0 and Mn+
The following samples were made to investigate the state of manganese atoms by ESR.
I-party. Compensated silicon samples p-Si and overcompensated silicon
samples n-Si doped with manganese atoms by low-temperature technology [21];
II-party. Compensated and overcompensated silicon samples with similar resistivities
doped with manganese atoms by conventional high-temperature diffusion technology.
To clarify the nature of the state of manganese atoms in the silicon lattice they were also
investigated by means of ESR spectra on Broker at T=77 K. To record the ESR spectra a
spectrometer operating in the 3 cm wavelength range was used. Integral sensitivity of the
device was ~5·1010 spin/Gs and the accuracy of detection w
as up to 0,001%. The precise
determination of the g-factor of the observed spectrum was carried out using a marker line
with g=2.0024.
E3S Web of Conferences
, 05094 (2023)