typesets the corresponding TOC with internal one column mode of \onecolumn.
This will be done only, if the corresponding table of contents or list of something does
not use feature leveldown. The KOMA-Script classes scrbook and scrreprt activate this
feature with \AtAddToTocList (see
section 15.1
page 302
) for all TOCs with owner
or with themselves as owner. With this, e. g., the table of contents, the list of
figures and the list of tables of both classes will be single columned automatically. The
multiple-column-mode of package multicol will not be recognised or changed by this
writes the title of the corresponding TOC to the table of contents. This feature will
be evaluated by the internal heading command. On the other hand, if an user defined
heading command has been made with \deftocheading, that user is responsible for
the evaluation of the feature. The KOMA-Script classes set this feature using option
for all file name extensions of the owner float.
Classes and packages may know features, too, e. g, the KOMA-Script classes know following
additional features:
activates special code to be put into the TOC at start of a new chapter.
This code may either be vertical space or the heading of the chapter. See listof in
section 3.20
page 127
for more information about such features.
Example: Because KOMA-Script classes use tocbasic for the list of figures and list of tables,
there’s one more way to remove chapter structuring at those:
Chapter 15.
And if you want to have the chapter structuring of the KOMA-Script classes at
your own list of algorithms with file name extension “loa” from the previous
examples, you may use
And if classes with \chapter should also force single column mode for the list of
algorithms you may use
Usage of \ifundefinedorrelax presumes package scrbase (see
section 12.3
page 276
It doesn’t matter if you’re package would be used with another class. You should
never the less set this feature. And if the other class would also recognise the
feature your package would automatically use the feature of that class.
As you may see, packages that use tocbasic, already provide several interesting features, with-
out the need of a lot of implementation effort. Such an effort would be needed only without
tocbasic and because of this, most packages currently lack of such features.
\iftocfeature{extension }{feature }{true-instructions }{false-instructions }
This command may be used, to test, if a feature was set for file name extension . If so the
will be processed, otherwise the false-instruction will be. This may
be useful, e. g., if you define your own heading command using \deftocheading but want to
support the features totoc, numbered or leveldown.
15.3. Configuration of Entries to a Table or List of Contents
version 3.20 package tocbasic can not only configure the tables or lists of contents and
their auxiliary files but also influence their entries. To do so, you can define new styles or you
can use and configure one of the predefined styles. In the medium term tocbasic will replace the
experimental package tocstyle that never became an official part of the KOMA-Script bundle.
The KOMA-Script classes intensively use the TOC-entry styles of tocbasic since version 3.20.
\numberline{entry number }
\usetocbasicnumberline[code ]
the L
TEX kernel already defines command \numberline, the kernel definition is not
sufficient for tocbasic. Therefore tocbasic has its own definition of \numberline. The package
uses \usetocbasicnumberline to activate this definition whenever a TOC-entry needs it.
Chapter 15.
1.1.10 Text of an entry to the table of contents with style dottedtocline and
more than one line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Figure 15.1.: Illustrations of some attributes of a TOC-entry with style dottedtocline
Because of this, re-defining \numberline often does not work and even may result in warnings
if you use tocbasic.
You can use the definition of tocbasic putting \usetocbasicnumberline into your doc-
ument’s preamble. The command first of all checks, whether or not the current definition
of \numberline uses essential, internal commands of tocbasic. Only if this is not the case
redefines \numberline and executes code . If you omit the op-
tional argument, a \PackageInfo outputs a message about the successful re-definition. If you
just do not want such a message, use an empty optional argument.
Please note, as a side effect \usetocbasicnumberline can globally change the internal
switch \@tempswa!
\DeclareTOCStyleEntry[option list ]{style }{entry level }
command is used to define or configure the TOC-entries of a given entry level . Argu-
ment entry level is a symbolic name, e. g., section for the entry to the table of contents
of the section level with the same name or figure for an entry of a figure to the list of fig-
ures. A style is assigned to each entry level . The style has to be defined before using
it as an argument of \DeclareTOCStyleEntry. The option list is used to configure several
-dependent attributes of the entry level .
Currently, tocbasic defines the following entry styles:
defaults to a clone of style dottedtocline. It is recommended to class authors, who
use tocbasic, to change this style into the default style of the class using \CloneTOCStyle.
For example the KOMA-Script classes change default into a clone of tocline.
is similar to the style used by the standard classes book and report for the
down to subparagraph entry levels of the table of contents and for the entries
at the list of figures or list of tables. It supports the attributes level, indent, and
. The entries will be indented by the value of indent from the left. The width
of the entry number is given by the value of numwidth. For multiline entries the indent
will be increased by the value of numwidth for the second and following lines. The page
number is printed using \normalfont. Entry text and page number are connected by a
dotted line.
Figure 15.1
illustrates the attributes of this style.
Chapter 15.
Text of an entry to the table of contents with style largetocline
and more than one line
3 em
Figure 15.2.: Illustrations of some attributes of a TOC-entry with style largetocline
is the most ordinary style. Independently from the setting of tocdepth, entries with
this style will never be printed. The style simply gobbles the entries. Nevertheless, it
supports the standard attribute level but does ignore it.
is similar to the style used by the standard classes for the level part. It
supports attributes level and indent only. The last one is already a variation of the
standard classes that do not support an indent of the part entries.
Before an entry a page break will be made easier. The entries will be indented by the
value of indent from the left. They are printed using \large\bfseries. If \numberline
is used, the number width is 3 em. \numberline is not redefined. The standard classes
do not use \numberline for part entries. The value of indent even does not influence
the indent from the second line of an entry.
Figure 15.2
illustrates the attributes of this style. There you can also see that the style
copies inconsistencies of the standard classes, e. g. the missing indent of the second and
following lines of an entry or the different values of \@pnumwidth that results from the
font size dependency. This can even result in a to small distance between the entry text
and the page number. Please note, the entry number width shown in the figure is only
valid if \numberline has been used. In contrast, the standard classes use a distance of
1 em after the number.
is a very flexible style. The KOMA-Script classes use this style by default for all
kinds of entries. Classes scrbook and scrreprt respectively scrartcl also define clones part,
and section respectively section and subsection, but add extra initial
to the clones to change their defaults.
The style supports attributes level, beforeskip, dynnumwidth, entryformat,
, breakafternumber, indent, linefill, numsep, numwidth,
, onstartlowerlevel, onstartsamelevel, pagenumberbox,
, raggedentrytext, and raggedpagenumber. The defaults of all
these attributes depend on the name of the entry level . They correspond to the results
of the standard classes. So after loading tocbasic, you can change the style of the stan-
dard classes entries to the table of contents into tocline using \DeclareTOCEntryStyle
without obvious visual changes unless you change exactly these attributes that should
Chapter 15.
Text of a part entry with style tocline and with at least two lines
of text
1. Text of a chapter entry with style tocline and for demonstration purpose
with more than one line of text
1.1. Text of a section entry with style tocline and for demonstration purpose with
more than one line of text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.1.10. Text of a subsection entry with style tocline and for demonstration
purpose with more than one line of text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Figure 15.3.: Illustrations of some attributes of a TOC-entry with style tocline
induce such changes. Same is valid for list of figures or list of tables of the standard
Because of the flexibility of this style it even could be used instead of the styles
, undottedtocline or largetocline. However it needs more effort for
Figure 15.3 illustrates some of the length attributes of this style. All attributes are
described in
table 15.1
page 314
is similar to the style used by the standard classes book and report for the
entry level or by article for the section entry level of the table of contents.
It supports the attributes level, indent, and numwidth. The last one is already a
variation of the standard classes that do not support an indent of these entry levels.
Before an entry, a page break will be made easier. The entries will be indented by the
value of indent from the left. They are printed using \bfseries. \numberline is used
unchanged. The width of the entry number is given by the value of numwidth. For
multiline entries the indent will be increased by the value of numwidth for the second
and following lines.
Figure 15.4
illustrates the attributes of this style.
Table 15.1
describes all attributes of all styles defined by tocbasic. If
you want to use these
attributes as options to \DeclareNewTOC (see
page 326
) you have to prefix the names of the
Text of an entry to the table of contents with style undottedtocline and
more than one line
Figure 15.4.: Illustration of some attributes of style undottedtocline by the example of a chapter title
Chapter 15.
attribute by tocentry, e g., attribute level becomes option tocentrylevel. If
you want
to use these attributes as options to \DeclareSectionCommand (see
page 390
) and similar
commands you have to prefix the names of the attributes by toc, e g., attribute level becomes
option toclevel.
Last but not least using \DeclareTOCStyleEntry will define internal command
\l@entry level
Table 15.1.: Attributes of the predefined TOC-entry styles of tocbasic
beforeskip= length
vertical distance, inserted before an entry of this level using style tocline (see
figure 15.3
). The distance is made using either \vskip or \addvspace depending on
the entry level to adapt the differences of the standard classes and former versions
of KOMA-Script.
At entry level part the attribute will be initialised with 2.25em plus 1pt, at
with 1em plus 1pt. If entry level currently is unknown, rather section
is initialised with 1em plus 1pt. The initial value for all other levels is 0pt plus
is one of the values for simple switches from
table 2.5
page 38
. If the switch
is active with style tocline, there will be a line break after the entry number of
. The line after the entry number again starts left aligned with the
This switch is not active by default at style tocline.
If the feature numberline of a list of something has been activated (see \setuptoc,
section 15.2
page 308
), i. e., if a KOMA-Script class with option toc=numberline
is used, then the not numbered entries will nevertheless have a (by default empty)
number line using the format code of entrynumberformat.
is one of the values for simple switches from
table 2.5
page 38
. If the switch
is active with style tocline, attribute numwidth is ignored. Instead of that the
maximum number width detected at the previous L
TEX run increased by the value
of numsep is used.
. . .
Chapter 15.
Table 15.1.: Attributes of the TOC-entry styles (continuation)
This attributes makes the format of the entry. The value should be a command
with exactly one argument. The command should not expect the argument to be
fully expandable. Commands like \MakeUppercase, that need a fully expandable
argument, must no be used here. Font changes are allowed and are relative to
. Please note that the output of linefill and the page
number are independent from entryformat. See also attribute pagenumberformat.
The initial value of the attribute for entry level part is printing the argument in
and for chapter printing the argument in \bfseries. If currently
no level chapter exists, section used \bfseries. All other levels print the argument
This attribute makes the format of the entry number within \numberline. The
value should be a command with exactly one argument. Font changes are relative to
the one of attribute entryformat.
The initial command prints the argument unchanged. This means the entry number
will be printed as it is.
If the feature numberline of a list of something has been activated (see \setuptoc,
section 15.2
page 308
), i. e., if a KOMA-Script class with option toc=numberline is
used, then the not numbered entries will nevertheless execute the command .
Horizontal distance of the entry relative to the left margin (siehe
figure 15.1
figure 15.3
At style tocline all entry levels with a name that starts with “sub” are initialised
with the sum of the values of indent and numwidth of the entry level without this
prefix. At styles dottedtocline, undottedtocline and tocline the initial values of
levels part down to subparagraph and the levels figure and table are compatible
with the standard classes. All other levels do not have an initial value. Therefore
you have to set an explicit value for such levels when they are defined first time.
. . .
Chapter 15.
Table 15.1.: Attributes of the TOC-entry styles (continuation)
The numerical value of the entry level . Only those entries are printed that have
a numerical value less or equal to counter tocdepth.
This attribute is mandatory for all styles and will be defined automatically at the
declaration of the style.
At style tocline all entry levels with a name starting with “sub”, the initial value
is the level value of the entry level without this prefix increased by one. At the
styles dottedtocline, largetocline, tocline, and undottedtocline entry levels
down to subparagraph, figure, and table are initialised compatible with
the standard classes. For all other levels the initialisation is done with the value of
\entry level numdepth
if this is defined.
At style tocline there can be a filler between the end of the entry text and the page
number. The value of attribute linefill is a code that prints this filler. For entry
level part
and chapter the attribute is initialised with \hfill. If currently no
entry level chapter
has been defined, section also uses \hfill. All other entry
levels are initialised with \TOCLineLeaderFill (see
page 321
If code does not result in filling the distance, you should also activate attribute
, to avoid “underfull \hbox” messages.
Style tocline tries to ensure a minimum distance of length between the entry
number and the entry text. If dynnumwidth is active, it will correct the number
width to achieve this. Otherwise it simply throws a warning, if the condition is
The initial length is 0.4 em.
numwidth= length
The reserved width for the entry number (see
figure 15.1
figure 15.4
). At the
styles dottedtocline, tocline, and undottedtocline this length will be added
to the length of attribute indent for the second and each following entry text line.
At style tocline the initial length of all entries with a name starting with
“sub” is the value of the level without this prefix plus 0.9 em. At the styles
, undottedtocline and tocline the initial length of levels part
down to subparagraph and levels figure and table is compatible to the standard
classes. All other levels do not have an initial value. Therefore you have to explicitly
set numwidth at the first definition of the entry.
. . .
Chapter 15.
Table 15.1.: Attributes of the TOC-entry styles (continuation)
Style tocline can execute code at the start of an entry, if the numerical level is
greater than the numerical level of the previous entry. Remember: The numerical
level of, e. g., section is greater than the numerical level of part. Nevertheless part
has the highest position in the entry hierarchy.
Please note that the detection of the level of the previous entry depends on a valid
unchanged value of \lastpenalty.
The initial code is \LastTOCLevelWasLower (see
page 320
Style tocline can execute code at the start of an entry, if the numerical level is
lower than the numerical level of the previous entry. Remember: The numerical level
of, e. g., part is lower than the numerical level of section. Nevertheless part has
the highest position in the entry hierarchy.
Please note that the detection of the level of the previous entry depends on a valid
unchanged value of \lastpenalty.
The initial code is \LastTOCLevelWasHigher (see
page 320
Style tocline can execute code at the start of an entry, if the level is same like the
level of the previous entry.
Please note that the detection of the level of the previous entry depends on a valid
unchanged value of \lastpenalty.
The initial code is \LastTOCLevelWasSame (see
page 320
By default the page number of an entry is printed right aligned in a box of width
. At style tocline the command to print the number can be changed
using this attribute. The command should have exactly one argument, the page
This attribute is the format of the page number of an entry. The command should
have exactly one argument, the page number. Font changes are relative to the font
of entryformat followed by \normalfont\normalsize.
The initial command
of entry level part prints the argument in
. The initial command of all other levels prints the argument in
. . .
Chapter 15.
Table 15.1.: Attributes of the TOC-entry styles (continuation)
is one of the values for simple switches from
table 2.5
page 38
. If the switch
is active, style tocline does print the text of an entry left-aligned instead of justified
and only word, that are longer than a text line, are automatically hyphenated.
This switch is not active by default.
is one of the values for simple switches from
table 2.5
page 38
. If the switch
is active, style tocline does not force the page number to be right aligned.
Depending on the value of linefill, the setting of this attribute could be needed
for the wanted printing of the number, or only to avoid unwanted warning messages.
So both attributes should correspond.
By default the switch is not activated and therefore corresponds with an initial value
or \TOCLineLeaderFill of attribute linefill.
\ DeclareTOCEntryStyle{ style }[ initial code ]{ command code }
\DefineTOCEntryOption{option }[default value ]{code }
\DefineTOCEntryBooleanOption{option }[default value ]{prefix }{postfix }{description }
\DefineTOCEntryCommandOption{option }[default value ]{prefix }{postfix }{description }
\DefineTOCEntryIfOption{option }[default value ]{prefix }{postfix }{description }
\DefineTOCEntryLengthOption{option }[default value ]{prefix }{postfix }{description }
\DefineTOCEntryNumberOption{option }[default value ]{prefix }{postfix }{description }
is one of the most complex commands in KOMA-Script. It is ad-
dressed to L
TEX developers not the L
TEX users. It provides the definition of a new TOC-entry
. Usually TOC-entries are made using \addcontentsline, or, if you use tocbasic, with
recommended \addxcontentsline (see
section 15.1
page 304
). In both cases L
TEX writes
a corresponding \contentsline into the given auxiliary file. Reading this auxiliary file each
results in execution of a command \l@entry level .
Whenever you assign a style to a TOC-entry level using \DeclareTOCStyleEntry, first of
all the initial code is executed and then \l@entry level is defined to be command code .
So command code is the code that will be expanded and executed by \l@entry level . Inside
command code #1
is the name of the TOC-entry level and ##1 and ##2 are the arguments of
\l@entry level
The initial code should initialise all attributes of the style . Developers are recom-
mended to use initial code to initialise all internal macros of the style without the need
of using an option list . The second task of the initial code is the definition of options
to setup the attributes of the style . Option level is always defined automatically. The
value of level can be got in command code using \@nameuse{#1tocdepth}, e. g., to compare
it with the counter tocdepth.
Chapter 15.
should be used to define options for the attributes of
the style inside initial code only. If you use an option defined by one of these
commands, a macro \prefix entry level postfix will be defined to be the assigned value
or the default value of the option. Somehow special is \DefineTOCEntryIfOption. It
defines \prefix entry level postfix as a command with two arguments. If the value to
the option is an activation value of
table 2.5
page 38
the command expands to the first
argument. If the value to the option is a deactivation value, the command expands to the
second argument.
The description should be a real short text that describes the sense of the option with
some catchwords. Package tocbasic uses this text in error messages, warnings or information
output on the terminal and into the log-file.
The most simple style of tocbasic, gobble, is defined using:
If you would define a entry level dummy using:
among others this would do something like:
Inside style tocline for example
{scr@tso@}{@linefill}{filling between text and page number}%
is used to define option linefill with default value \TOCLineLeaderFill. A call like:
would therefore result in a definition like:
Whoever likes to define his own styles is recommended to first study the definition of style
. If this definition is understood, the much more complex definition of style
gives a lot of hints of the correct usage of the described commands.
In many cases it will be enough to clone an existing style using \CloneTOCEntryStyle
and to change the initial code of the new style using \TOCEntryStyleInitCode or
is merely used to define the other commands. It is not recom-
mended to define options directly using \DefineTOCEntryOption. Normally this is even not
needed. It is alluded only for completeness.
Chapter 15.
\CloneTOCEntryStyle{style }{new style }
this command you can clone an existing style . This defines a new style with the same
attributes and settings like the existing style . The package itself uses \CloneTOCEntryStyle
to declare style default as a clone of dottedtocline. The KOMA-Script classes use the
command to declare the styles part, section, and chapter or subsection as a clone of
and the style default new as a clone of section or subsection.
\TOCEntryStyleInitCode{ style }{ initial code }
\TOCEntryStyleStartInitCode{style }{initial code }
TOC-entry style has an initialisation code. This is used whenever a style is as-
signed to an TOC-entry using \DeclareTOCEntryStyle. This initial code should never
do anything global, because it is also used for local initialisation inside other commands like
. The initial code not only defines all attributes of a style . It also should
set the defaults for those attributes.
You can use \TOCEntryStyleStartInitCode and \TOCEntryStyleInitCode to extend the
already existing initialisation code by initial code . \TOCEntryStyleStartInitCode adds
initial code
in front of the existing initialisation code. \TOCEntryStyleInitCode adds the
initial code
at the end of the existing initialisation code. The KOMA-Script classes, e. g.,
are using \TOCEntryStyleStartInitCode to change the filling, font and vertical distances of
style part that is a clone of tocline. Class scrbook and scrreprt use
\csname scr@tso@#1@linefill\endcsname
to declare section as a modified clone of tocline.
the very beginning entries with style tocline tocbasic executes one of these three commands
depending on \lastpenalty. \LastTOCLevelWasHigher and \LastTOCLevelWasSame used in
vertical mode add \addpenalty{\@lowpenalty} and therefore permit a page break before
an entry with same or higher hierarchical position. \LastTOCLevelWasLower is an empty
command. Therefore page break between an entry and its sub-entry is not permitted.
Users should not redefine these commands. Instead of a redefinition you should change the
behaviour of single entry levels using attributes onstartlowerlevel, onstartsamelevel, and
Chapter 15.
\TOCLineLeaderFill[filling code ]
has been made to be used as value of option linefill of assigning style tocline to
a TOC-entry. It is a line filler between the end of the entry text and the entry page number.
The filling code will be repeated with constant distance. The default for this optional
argument is a dot.
As implied by the name of the command it uses \leaders to put the filling code .
The distance is defined analogous to the L
TEX kernel command \@dottedtocline by
\mkern\@dotsep mu
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