determination of the correction coefficients for types of light sources other than standardised source A.
6.2 Requirements for test equipment Testing lux metres requires the following measuring instruments with verified metrological traceability, as well as other tools:
reference photometric lamps with sufficient luminance values to achieve the required range of illumination intensity values on the useable length of the photometric bench,
a photometric bench with accessories, consisting of a set of membranes, adjustable holders, cross slides and adjustment tools. The photometric bench must be at least 3 m long and must be able to indicate distances down to increments of 0.5 mm. The total uncertainty of distance readouts may not exceed ±2 mm,
linearity gauge (reference detector/lux metre with defined linearity),
a stabilised regulatable source of direct-current voltage to supply the photometric lamps, laboratory voltmeter and amperemeter for measuring the electrical voltage and current of the photometric lamps
a time measurement device (electronic or mechanical stopwatch),
thermometer with a measurement range of (15–40) °C,
a photometric current gauge (nano-amperemeter or current to voltage converter) with a sensitivity and input impedance adjusted to the parameters of the optical radiation detector,
agents for cleaning the photometric lamps and photometric bench,
source of standardised light A, temperature 2 856 K – tungsten lamps of the necessary wattage,
Light sources used for artificial illumination (sodium vapour lamp, source of daylight and white fluorescent tube),
photometric “dark laboratory” allowing measurements to be conducted without the influence of daylight and disruptive backgrounds from artificial sources.