Richard A. Spreng
632 Bogue Street, Room N333
Department of Marketing
Eli Broad College of Business
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
(517) 432-6389
A fundamental issue in marketing is the assessment of customer satisfaction, as this is the feedback mechanism linking customer-value delivery and the organization. My research deals with the cognitive and affective mechanisms underlying customer satisfaction/dissatisfaction, and the resulting market behavior. Topics include standards of comparisons, models of satisfaction formation, perceived service quality, measurement, and various methodological issues.
Undergraduate: Marketing Research; Retail Management; Services Marketing; Principles of Marketing; Sales Management; Consumer Behavior;
Masters: Business Development; Customer Driven Strategies (Consumer Behavior); Services Marketing; Marketing Management; Marketing Research
Ph.D.: Consumer Behavior
2010-present Director, Master of Science in Marketing Research, Michigan State University, E. Lansing, MI
1998-present Associate Professor, Michigan State University, E. Lansing, MI
1991-1998 Assistant Professor, Michigan State University, E. Lansing, MI
1987-1990 Associate Instructor, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
1985-1987 Instructor, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI
1976-1985 Regional Operations Manager, Michigan Sporting Goods, Grand Rapids, MI
Ph.D., Marketing Indiana University, 1992
M.B.A., Marketing Western Michigan University, 1985
B.A., Comm. Hope College, Holland, MI, 1976
Journal Articles
1. Spreng, Richard A., Linda Shi and Thomas Page (2009), "Service Quality and Satisfaction in Business-to-Business Services" Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Vol. 24 (8), 537-548.
2. Dennis, Jennifer H., Bridget K. Behe, R. Thomas Fernandez, Robert Schutzki, Thomas J. Page Jr., and Richard A. Spreng, 2004. "Do Plant Guarantees Matter? Understanding the Role of Satisfaction and Regret When Guarantees Are Present," HortScience,
3. Dennis, Jennifer H., Bridget K. Behe, Thomas J. Page Jr., and Richard A. Spreng, 2004. "Can Experiencing Regret Affect Future Consumer Consumption of Horticultural Products?" Acta Horticulturae
4. Knight, Gary, Richard A. Spreng, and Attilla Yaprak (2003), “Cross-National Development And Validation Of An International Business Measurement Scale: The Coiscale,” International Business Review, Vol. 12 (5).
5. Spreng, Richard A. and Thomas J. Page, Jr. (2003), “A Test of Alternative Measures of Disconfirmation,” Decision Sciences, Volume 34, Number 1 (Winter).
6. Geon-Cheol Shin and Richard A. Spreng (2002), "A Comparative Study of the Desires-Expectations Model of Satisfaction between the US and Korean Consumers," International Quarterly Journal of Marketing.
7. Thomas J. Page and Richard A. Spreng (2002), “Difference Scores Versus Direct Effects in Service Quality Measurement,” Journal of Service Research, 4, 3, 184-192.
8. Pennington-Gray, Lori and Richard A. Spreng (2002), "Analyzing Changing Preferences for Pleasure Travel with Cohort Analysis," Tourism Analysis, Vol. 6, No. 2, 109-121.
9. Spreng, Richard A. and Jyh-shen Chiou (2002), “A Cross-Cultural Assessment of the Satisfaction Formation Process,” European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 36, No. 7/8.
10. Richard A. Spreng and Thomas J. Page (2001), “The Moderating Role of Confidence in Expectations in the Formation of Consumer Satisfaction,” Psychology and Marketing, 18 (Nov.), 1187-1204.
11. Spreng, Richard A. and Cornelia Dröge (2001), “The Impact on Satisfaction of Managing Attribute Expectations: Should Performance Claims Be Understated Or Overstated?” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Volume 8, Number 5, 261-274.
12. Spreng, Richard A. (1999), “Perceived Performance in Satisfaction Research,” Journal of Consumer Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, Vol. 12, 100-108.
13. Spreng, Richard A., Robert D. Mackoy and Cornelia Dröge (1998), “Confounds in the Measurement of Predictive Expectations,” Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior ,Vol. 11, 1-7.
14. Spreng, Richard A. and Ken Knipp (1997), “Managing Information in Ministry Organizations,” Journal of Ministry Marketing & Management, 3 (1), 57-69.
15. Patterson, Paul G. and Richard A. Spreng (1997), “Modeling the Relationship Between Perceived Value, Satisfaction and Repurchase Intentions in a Business-to-Business, Services Context: An Empirical Examination,” International Journal of Service Industry Management, 8 (5), 414-434.
16. Patterson, Paul G., Lester W. Johnson, and Richard A. Spreng (1997), “Modeling the Determinants of Customer Satisfaction For Business-to-Business, Professional Services,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 25 (Winter), 4-17.
17. Spreng, Richard A., Scott B. MacKenzie and Richard W. Olshavsky (1996), “A Re-Examination of the Determinants of Consumer Satisfaction,” Journal of Marketing, 60 (July), 15-32.
The above paper was the recipient of the 1996 Harold H. Maynard Award, which rewards the Journal of Marketing article making the most significant contribution to marketing theory and thought. It was also included in Essential Readings in Marketing, Edited by Leigh McAlister, Ruth N. Bolton, and Ross Rizley, 2006.
18. Olshavsky, Richard W. and Richard A. Spreng (1996),”An Exploratory Study of the Innovation Evaluation Process,” Journal of Product Innovation Management, 13, No. 6 (November), 512-529.
19. Spreng, Richard A. and Robert D. Mackoy (1996), “An Empirical Examination of the Antecedents of Perceived Service Quality and Satisfaction,” Journal of Retailing, 72 (2), 201-214.
20. Schmidt, Jeffrey B. and Richard A. Spreng (1996), “A Proposed Model of External Consumer Information Search,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 24 (Summer), 246-256.
21. Dröge, Cornelia and Richard A. Spreng (1996), “Enhancing Involvement and Skills with a Student-Led Method of Case Analysis,” Journal of Marketing Education, Fall, 25-34.
22. Chiou, Jyh-shen and Richard A. Spreng (1996), “The Reliability of Difference Scores: A Re-examination,” Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, Vol. 9, 158-167.
23. Mackoy, Robert D., Richard A. Spreng, and Gilbert Harrell (1996), “The Relationship Between Level of Satisfaction and Processing Intensity,” Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, Vol. 9, 75-80.
24. Mackoy, Robert D. and Richard A. Spreng (1995), “The Dimensionality of Consumer Satisfaction: A Preliminary Analysis,” Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, Vol. 8, 53-58.
25. Olshavsky, Richard W. and Richard A. Spreng (1995), “Consumer Satisfaction and Students: Some Pitfalls of Being Customer Driven,” Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, Vol. 8, 70-77.
26. Spreng, Richard A., Gilbert Harrell, and Robert D. Mackoy (1995), “The Impact of Service Recovery Efforts on Consumer Intentions,” Journal of Services Marketing, 9 (1), 15-23.
27. Spreng, Richard A. (1994), “A Reassessment of the Reliability of Difference Scores in the Measurement of Disconfirmation of Expectations,” Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, Vol. 7, 114-118.
28. Spreng, Richard A. and Richard W. Olshavsky (1993), “Consumer Desires: A New Model of Satisfaction Formation,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 21 (Summer), 169-177.
The above paper was a finalist for paper of the year for the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.
29. Spreng, Richard A., Andrea L. Dixon., and Richard W. Olshavsky (1993), “The Impact of Perceived Value on Consumer Satisfaction,” Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, Vol. 6, 50-55.
30. MacKenzie, Scott B. and Richard A. Spreng (1992), “How Does Motivation Moderate The Impact Of Central And Peripheral Processing On Brand Attitudes and Intentions?” Journal of Consumer Research, 18 (March), 519-529.
31. Spreng, Richard A. and Richard W. Olshavsky (1992), “A Desires-As-Standard Model of Consumer Satisfaction: Implications For Measuring Satisfaction,” Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction, and Complaining Behavior, Vol. 5, 45-54.
32. Olshavsky, Richard W. and Richard A. Spreng (1989), “A ‘Desires As Standard’ Model of Consumer Satisfaction,” Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, Vol. 2, 49-54.
Conference Papers
1. Hughes, Douglas E., Roger J. Calantone, Brian Baldus, and Richard Spreng. “Fostering Brand Evangelism in Salespeople,” 2010 AMA Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference.
The above paper won Best Paper in the Sales and Sales Management track at the 2010 Summer AMA Conference.
2. Spreng, Richard A., Thomas J. Page, Jr., and Joe Miller, “Performance-Importance Grids versus SERVQUAL,” Frontiers in Services Conference.
3. Dennis, J.H., B.K. Behe, T.J. Page Jr. and R.A. Spreng, (2004), “Can Experiencing Regret Affect Future Consumer Consumption of Horticultural Products?” Proc. XVth IS on Hort Econ & Manag, Ed. W. Bokelmann, 89-91.
4. Spreng, Richard A., Linda Shi, and Thomas J. Page Jr., (2004), “Perceived Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, and Intentions,” Association for Consumer Research.
5. Dennis, Jennifer H., Thomas J. Page Jr., Richard A. Spreng, and Bridget K. Behe, 2004. "The Determinants of Consumer Regret in Purchase Situations, " AMA Summer Educators Conference.
6. Dennis, Jennifer H., Bridget K. Behe, Thomas J. Page Jr., and Richard A. Spreng, 2004. "Understanding Behavioral Consequences of Dissatisfied and Regretful Customers," American Society for Horticultural Science.
7. Spreng, Richard A. and Linda Shi (2003), “Perceived Service Quality, Satisfaction, and Intentions in a Business-to-Business Context” 2003 Summer AMA Conference (in press).
8. Spreng, Richard A., Richard L. Divine, and Thomas J. Page, Jr. (2001), “An Empirical Examination of the Differential Effects of Objective and Subjective Knowledge on Information Processing,” 2001 Summer AMA Conference, 329-335.
9. Spreng, Richard A. and Elif Sonmez (2001), “Another Look at the Moderating Effect of Involvement on the Consumer Satisfaction Formation Process,” 2001 Summer AMA Conference, 184-189.
10. Spreng, Richard A. and Geon-Cheol Shin (2000), "A Cross-Cultural Assessment of the Desires - Expectations Model of Satisfaction," Academy of International Business 2000 Conference.
11. Spreng, Richard A. and Elif Sonmez (2000), “The Moderating Effect of Involvement on the Consumer Satisfaction Formation Process,” 2000 Summer AMA Conference Proceedings, 168-174.
The above paper won the award for best paper in the Consumer Behavior track at the 2000 Summer AMA conference.
12. Pennington-Gray, Lori and Richard A. Spreng (2000), “Analyzing Travel Preferences with Cohort Analysis” TTRA Annual Conference, in press.
13. Spreng, Richard A. (1999), “Perceived Performance in Satisfaction Research,” 1999 Winter AMA Conference Proceedings.
14. Spreng, Richard A. and Thomas J. Page, Jr. (1999), “The Impact of Confidence in Expectations on Consumer Satisfaction,” Society for Consumer Psychology Conference Proceedings.
15. Hanvanich, Sangphet, Cornelia Dröge, and Richard A. Spreng (1999), “Consumer Processing Versus Social/Cultural Models of Celebrity Effectiveness: A critical Review and Synthesis,” 1999 Winter AMA Conference Proceedings.
16. Knight, Gary A., Richard A. Spreng and Attila Yaprak (1999), “Cross National Assessment of the Reliability and Validity of a Scale to Measure Country of Origin Image,” 1999 Winter AMA Conference Proceedings.
17. Spreng, Richard A., Roger J. Calantone, and Geon-Cheol Shin (1997), “Confirmatory Factor Analysis Approaches To Cross-Cultural Equivalence,” Sixth Symposium on Cross-Cultural Consumer and Business Studies, 188-192.
18. Knight, Gary A. and Richard A. Spreng (1996), “An Elaboration Likelihood Model Interpretation of Country Image Effects,” in Marketing Theory and Applications, Blair and Kamakura (eds.), 176-177.
19. Spreng, Richard A. (1995), “The Impact of Salesperson Created Expectations on Customer Satisfaction,” The Seventh Bi-Annual World Marketing Congress, 13-26.
20. Spreng, Richard A. and Madhu Agrawal (1995), “A Conceptual and Empirical Examination of the Distinction Between Perceived Service Quality and Satisfaction,” in Society for Consumer Psychology Conference Proceedings, MacKenzie and Stayman (eds.), 103-104.
21. Spreng, Richard A. and Robert D. Mackoy (1995), “An Empirical Examination of a Model of Perceived Service Quality and Satisfaction,” in Marketing in a Global Environment, Stewart and Vilcassim (eds.), 216-217.
22. Divine, Richard L. and Richard A. Spreng (1995), “The Differential Effects of Objective and Subjective Knowledge,” in Society for Consumer Psychology Conference Proceedings, MacKenzie and Stayman (eds.), 40.
23. Knight, Gary A. and Richard A. Spreng (1995), “Central and Peripheral Processing on Brand and Product Attitudes and Intentions: The Impact of County-of-Origin,” in Marketing in a Global Environment, Stewart and Vilcassim (eds.), 376-377.
24. Knight, Gary A. and Richard A. Spreng (1995), “Cross National Assessment of the Reliability and Validity of a Scale to Measure Country of Origin Image,” in Society for Consumer Psychology Conference Proceedings, MacKenzie and Stayman (eds.), 75.
25. Dröge, Cornelia and Richard A. Spreng (1995), “A New Method For Case Courses: Proposal and Empirical Test,” in Marketing in a Global Environment, Stewart and Vilcassim (eds.), 136-137.
26. Mackoy, Robert D., Richard A. Spreng, and Gilbert Harrell (1995), “The Relationship Between Level of Satisfaction and Processing Intensity,” in Society for Consumer Psychology Conference Proceedings, MacKenzie and Stayman (eds.), 102.
27. Spreng, Richard A. (1994), “New Directions in Affect and Consumer Satisfaction,” in Advances in Consumer Research, Kardes and Sujan (eds.), Vol. 22, 453.
28. Schmidt, Jeffrey B. and Richard A. Spreng (1994), “External Consumer Information Search: Research Propositions and Proposed Model,” in Enhancing Knowledge Development in Marketing, Achrol and Mitchell (eds.), Vol. 5, Chicago: American Marketing Association, 145-146.
29. Spreng, Richard A. and Cornelia Dröge (1994), “A Comprehensive Model of the Effects of Expectations on Consumer Satisfaction,” in Society for Consumer Psychology Conference Proceedings, 55.
30. Spreng, Richard A., Scott B. MacKenzie and Richard W. Olshavsky (1993), “Expectations Versus Desires: A Direct Test of Two Comparison Standards Assessing Consumer Satisfaction,” in Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 20, eds. Leigh McAlister and Michael L. Rothschild, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research, 507.
31. Spreng, Richard A. and A.K. Singh (1993), “An Empirical Assessment of the SERVQUAL Scale, and the Relationship Between Service Quality and Satisfaction,” Enhancing Knowledge Development in Marketing, Vol. 4, Chicago: American Marketing Association, 1-6.
32. Spreng, Richard A. and Andrea L. Dixon (1992), “Alternative Comparison Standards in the Formation of Consumer Satisfaction/ Dissatisfaction,” Enhancing Knowledge Development in Marketing, 1992 Educators’ Proceedings, Chicago: American Marketing Association, 85-91.
33. Spreng, Richard A. and Richard W. Olshavsky (1990), “The Impact of Standard of Comparison and Knowledge Domain on the Measurement of Subjective Knowledge,” Enhancing Knowledge Development in Marketing, 1990 Educators’ Proceedings, Chicago: American Marketing Association, 44-48.
34. Spreng, Richard A. and Richard W. Olshavsky (1989), “Exploring the Headwaters of the Prior Knowledge - Search Relationship,” Enhancing Knowledge Development in Marketing, 1989 Educators’ Proceedings, Chicago: American Marketing Association, 220-24.
35. Olshavsky, Richard W. and Richard A. Spreng (1989), “A New Model of the Innovation Evaluation Stage,” Proceedings of the Society for Consumer Psychology, American Psychological Association, 123-126.
36. Olshavsky, Richard W. and Richard A. Spreng (1989), “A New Model of Consumer Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction,” Proceedings of the Society for Consumer Psychology, American Psychological Association, 31.
37. Spreng, Richard A. (1989), “An Examination of the Measurement of Prior Knowledge,” Albert Haring Symposium Proceedings, Indiana University, Bloomington, 25-48.
Book Reviews
Spreng, Richard A. (1995), “International Consumer Behavior: Its Impact on Marketing Strategy Development, by A. Coskun Samli,” Journal of International Marketing, 3 (3), 118-120.
“Perceived Service Quality, Satisfaction, and Affect,” being revised for third review at Journal of Marketing. Richard A. Spreng and Paul G. Patterson.
“The Moderating Role of Performance Ambiguity on Consumer Satisfaction,” being revised for resubmission to the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Jyh-shen Chiou and Richard A. Spreng.
“The Antecedents and Consequences of Satisfaction Versus Emotion: A Cognitive Appraisal Theory Perspective,” being revised for third review at the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Richard A. Spreng and Cornelia Dröge.
“Cross-Cultural Consumer Satisfaction Models,” being revised for resubmission to the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Richard A. Spreng, Roger Calantone and Geon Shin.
Hughes, Douglas E., Roger J. Calantone, Brian Baldus, and Richard Spreng. “Fostering Brand Evangelism in Salespeople,” to be submitted to Journal of Retailing.
The Impact of Country of Origin on Pre-Trial and Post-Trial Product Evaluations: The Moderating Effect of Consumer Expertise,” to be submitted to the Journal of Consumer Psychology. Final write-up stage. Jyh-Shen Chiou and Richard A. Spreng.
“Are GAP Scores Useful as a Diagnostic Tool?” to be submitted to Journal of Retailing.
“Consumer Knowledge as a Moderator of Consumer Satisfaction Processes,” to be submitted to the Journal of Consumer Psychology. Data analysis stage.
“The Relative Impact of Disconfirmation versus Perceived Performance on Consumer Satisfaction when High versus Low Expectations Are Created: A Reference Point Theory Approach,” to be submitted to Journal of Consumer Psychology. Richard A. Spreng and Cornelia Dröge.
SureVista Solutions, LLC. 2004 to present. Co-Founder and Chief Research Officer for marketing research firm specializing in customer satisfaction measurement. Clients include organizations in hospitality, education, retailing, and professional services.
Michigan Sporting Goods, Inc., Grand Rapids, Michigan. September 1976 to August 1985. Held
various positions up to Regional Operations Manager. Responsible for operations of retail sporting goods stores; sales training; recruitment and training of management personnel.
Polaris Industries. Conducted research with Polaris dealers, dealer salespeople, and Polaris salespeople on the relationship between Polaris and their dealers.
HOSTS Learning, Inc. I worked with HOSTS (an educational software firm) in developing a business plan.
LSI Inc. I have developed a customer satisfaction measurement system for LSI (franchisor of Yogi Bear Campgrounds). This is a multi-year project involving the collection of data from approximately 10,000 customers each year.
Brandsdorfer & Russell. I prepared a technical analysis of the marketing of intellectual property (patents) by the trustee of an estate that was used in litigation. I also testified in a binding arbitration hearing on the case.
pmh caramanning (Steelcase). I worked with Steelcase and pmh caramanning consultants in developing a customer driven dealer authorization process. This project involved conducting qualitative and quantitative research with business customers and designing standards to be used in authorizing Steelcase's dealers.
Michigan State Police, Administrative Services Bureau. I developed customer satisfaction surveys for three divisions of Michigan State Police (Management Services Division, Criminal Justice Data Center, Office of the Budget). I developed and presented a series of seminars and facilitated workshops for section and unit heads. I moderated focus groups with customers and have developed 35 different customer satisfaction surveys.
Michigan State Police, Auto Theft Prevention Authority. I developed a web-based survey of auto theft experts for the Michigan Auto Theft Prevention Authority to assess the effectiveness of their programs.
Michigan Jobs Commission. I developed and presented a seminar on customer satisfaction measurement to department heads of the Michigan Jobs Commission.
Michigan Department of State. I worked with the Department of State in developing a program to encourage motorists to utilize various customer service delivery options, such as the renew by mail program. I conducted research of similar programs in other states. I then developed a questionnaire that was used to conduct a telephone survey of 1,000 Michigan drivers. Segments were then identified and selected for targeted action and a presentation of the research results was made to Secretary of State Candice Miller.
Executive Education
“Enhancing Profitability Through Customer Relationships”
“Managing Your Customer Relationships”
“Success Through Winning Marketing Strategies.”
Council of American Survey Research Organizations
Marketing Research Association
American Marketing Association
Association for Consumer Research
Society for Consumer Psychology
Harold H. Maynard Award, Journal of Marketing, for the paper making the most significant contribution to marketing theory and thought for 1996.
Best Paper in the Sales and Sales Management track at the 2010 Summer AMA Conference.
Best paper award in the Consumer Behavior track at the 2000 Summer AMA conference.
Finalist for Paper of the Year award from the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 1993.
Ralph L. Day Dissertation Award, Indiana University, 1991.
Michigan State University School of Business Summer research grant (competitive): 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005
Indiana University School of Business Research Grant (competitive): 1989 and 1990.
AMA Doctoral Consortium Fellow, 1989.
MSU CIBER Research Support, 1995, 1997, 1998.
Service to the Profession
Reviewer for the Marketing Research Association Code of Ethics 2013
Buyer and Consumer Behavior Track Chair 2007 Academy of Marketing Science
World Marketing Congress
Buyer and Consumer Behavior Track Chair, 2002 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference
Editorial Review Board for the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
Editorial Review Board for Psychology and Marketing
Reviewer for the Journal of Marketing
Reviewer for the Journal of Marketing Research
Reviewer for the Journal of Consumer Research
Reviewer for the Journal of Retailing
Reviewer for Journal of Business Research
Reviewer for Decision Sciences
Reviewer for Journal of Advertising
Reviewer for Journal of Retailing and Services Studies
Reviewer for MIS Quarterly
Reviewer for Information Systems Research
Reviewer for the Journal of International Marketing.
Reviewer for the Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior
Reviewer for the International Journal of Service Industry Management
Reviewer for Advances in International Marketing
Reviewer for American Marketing Association conferences
Reviewer for Society for Consumer Psychology conferences
Reviewer for the Association for Consumer Research Conferences
Reviewer for the Academy of International Business Conference
Haring Symposium Co-Chair, 1990
Reviewer for Consumer Behavior, Berkman, Lindquist, and Sirgy
Reviewer for Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy, Peter and Olson, 4th and 5th Editions
Reviewer for Sales Management, Cravens and Evans
Reviewer for Sales Force Management, Churchill, Ford, Walker, Johnston, and Tanner, 7th edition
Selected Service to MSU
Director, Master of Science in Marketing Research Program: Department
University Committee for Graduate Studies, Chair: University
Master’s Program Committee: College
Undergraduate Program Committee, Chair: College
University Curriculum Committee, Chair Subcommittee C: University
College Portfolio Committee: College
Full Time MBA Evaluation Task Force: College
MBA Core Curriculum Review Committee: College
MBA Marketing Curriculum Committee: Department
Advisor Search Committee: College
Undergraduate Business Placement Initiative: College
Consulting with Advising Staff on Service Quality: College
Attraction and Retention of Majors Committee: Department
Strategic Planning Committee: Department
Recruiting Committee Chair 2007
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