Almost all ophthalmic sensory and motor functions including visual acuity, visual field, color vision and night
vision can be the subject of simulation and Munchausen syndrome to refractive surgery denial. Examiner must be
skillful in selecting the most appropriate test. In each case to identify the simulation there were used the various
tests and diagnostic methods, that is reflected in this paper.
At present the simulation may be manifested with a wide range of spectrum from conversion to malingering.
Currently, there are numerous forms of simulation. The examiner should be skilful at choosing the most appropriate
test among those which are most preferred and easy methods used in ophthalmic practice. The use of modern
diagnostic methods of examination reveal and objectively corroborates the simulation. However, the use of
different tests such as confusion or fogging in the early stages of the examination makes it feasible to save the time
and to use the expensive diagnostic methods.
Korrespondensiya üçün:
Qasımov Elmar Mustafa oğlu, tibb elmləri doktoru, professor, akad. Zərifə Əliyeva adına Milli Oftalmologiya
Mərkəzinin direktoru
Hüseynli Samirə Fərhad qızı, akad. Zərifə Əliyeva adına Milli Oftalmoloqiya Mərkəzinin kiçik elmi işçisi
Tel.: (99412) 569-09-07, (99412) 569-09-47
Ünvan: AZ1114, Bakı ş, Cavadxan küç, 32/15