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Monografiya 28.04.2023г.


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2 O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti Sh.M.Mirziyoyevning Oliy Majlisga Murojaatnomasi
// “Xalq suzi” gazetasi, 2018 yil 29 dekabr. N№ 271-272 (7229-7230).

3 Dissertatsiya mavzusi bo'yicha ilmiy tadqiqotlar sharhi quyidagi saytlar asosida shakllantirildi: https://www.researchgate.net, www.elsevier.com, https://www.nxp.com, http://www.machine learning.ru, http://www.bmstu.ru, https://www.msu.ru, https://www.bsuir.by, https://habr.com va boshqa manbalar.

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