Crystalline bodies are bodies, in cathoric atoms they form crystal lattices and are located in a certain order
Amorphous bodies - bodies whose atoms are randomly distributed
Single crystals - a single crystal with a continuous crystal lattice
Polycrystal - The aggregates, consisting of many differently oriented small single crystals
Pristestrnstvennaya grating - spatial lattice is formed of a plurality of planes kristallografichesikh that location with w enes each other in parallel.
Elementary cell - the smallest part of the crystal lattice
The period (parameter) of the crystal lattice - the distance between the two-m I neighboring atoms in the unit to the taphole
Primary crystallization of metals - the transition of metals from liquid to solid
Absolute crystallization temperature - the temperature at which the liquid metal completely crystallizes
Support height s excessive cooling - the difference between the equilibrium temperature of a metal by the temperature of absolute crystallization
Potentional heat of crystallization - the heat released during the transition of a metal from a liquid state to a solid state
Thermoelectric and rotometer - device used during thermal analysis of the potential heat of the metal temperature kristalizatsii- those n lots, released during the transition metal from the liquid state to a solid
Curved metal cooling line - graphical IMAGE chnical, showing s change of heat in the cooling process of the metal I
Metallic Crystallites - crystallites that have naru br ene constant geometric shape
Modifiers - substances added to form small crystallites in a liquid metal
Den d ri r - crystal in the form of a branchy tree
A l Lothrop (polymorphism) - may be due to the formation of molecules with different numbers of atoms or the formation of crystals of different modifications