FACT PSYCHOLOGICAL - underneath them meant much broader - compared to psychological phenomena - mental manifestations of the circle, including their objective form, as acts of conduct and other bodily processes, koi are also used for the study of the psyche.
Psixologik fakt - psixologik hodisaga nisbatan - keng ma'noni anglatadi va psixik keng doira kasb etadi, shuningdek, ularning obektiv shakli xam, xulq akti sifatida namoyon bo`ladi va psixikani o`rganishda qo`llaniladi.
48.ФАКТОР - понятие статистики математической, означающее общую причину многих случайных изменений совокупности величин переменных, событий и пр. Факторы выявляются путем применения специальной математической процедуры - анализа факторного.
FACTOR -. The concept of mathematical statistics, which means a common cause of many random changes in the aggregate values of variables, events, and other factors are identified through the use of special mathematical procedures - factorial analysis.
FAKTOR - statistik matematika tushinchasi, ko`pchilik tasodifiy o`lcho`vlarni o`zgaruvchi jami qiymatlarni umumiy sababini anglatadi. Factorial tahlil - maxsus matematik tartibda foydalanish bilan belgilanadi.