The researcher would use some methods to obtain the accurate data in the eight grade of SMP Purnama Trimurjo. In collecting the data,the researcher would use the method such as:
Test is a way that is used to measure a person ability or knowledge in a given domain."46In this research, the researcher would use the test to know the students English ability especially listening comprehension. Class VIII B would be given pretest and posttest test.
To know whether audio lingual influence in students listening comprehension. In this case, pre-test would be given by the researcher before the treatment. From the result, the researcher would know the result of listening before giving the treatment. The test would be oral and written test by giving them recording of audio lingual tape with special direction of each part and answer sheets as the place for students to answer. The examine is the students of class VIII B of SMP Purnama Trimurjo as the sample of this research. The test would consist of 10 questions, in the form of essay. Question with the range score 0- 100. When the students can answer the entire question correctly they would get 100 question Score, and when the students cannot answer the correctly they would get 0 score. The alternatives provides essay. The time to the test is 30 minutes.
After the researcher knows the result of studeents in listening compreension. And the researcher would treat the Studcnts cacning process in listening by using audio lingual, ne Tes carcher would give the students final test, and it is the post-tes. post-test Is used to know how significant audio lingual influences the students' listening comprehension. The test would be Oral and written test by giving them audio lingual tape With special direction of each part and answer sheets as the place students to answer. The examine is the students of class VIII B of SMP Purnama Trimurjo. The test would consist of 10 questions, in the torm of essay. Question wth the range Score 0 -100. When the students can answer the entire question correctly they would get 100 score, and when the students cannot answer the entire question correctly they would get 0 score.