stand to /
ˈstænd/ Verb
if you
stand to get something or stand to lose something,
it’s likely that you will get it or lose it
Collocates: stand to gain/win/benefit something | stand
to lose something
a lot of countries stand to benefit from the trade
agreement | he stands to lose a lot of money | we stand
to gain a lot from the merger | I stand to win £10,000
surgery /
ˈsɜː(r)dʒəri/ Noun uncount
surgery is a medical treatment that involves cutting into
someone’s body in order to repair or take out a part that
is diseased or damaged
Collocates: undergo surgery | major/minor surgery |
emergency surgery
it happened while I was undergoing surgery | you may
need further surgery | she had to have emergency
surgery | heart surgery | brain surgery | keyhole surgery
(in which only a small opening is made through your
skin) | cosmetic surgery (to improve your appearance) |
spending six hours in the operating theatre having major
surgery | elective surgery (surgery that a patient chooses
to have, although it is not essential)
surgical | Adverb: surgically | Noun: surgeon
Collocates: a surgical procedure/treatment/intervention
a surgical procedure to remove the lump | pioneering
new surgical techniques | surgical intervention would
be too dangerous in this case | the lump was surgically
removed | a newly-qualified surgeon | surgeons worked
through the night to treat victims of the plane crash
transplant /
ˈtrænsˌplɑːnt/ Noun
transplant is an operation in which a new organ is put
into someone’s body to replace an organ that no longer
works properly
Collocates: a heart/kidney/liver transplant | transplant
surgery | a transplant operation
an organ transplant | to donate a kidney for transplant
| he needs a heart transplant | the transplant operation
took over seven hours
surgeons have successfully transplanted a heart that
had stopped beating | the new heart is ready to be
tumour /
ˈtjuːmə(r)/ Noun
tumour is a mass of diseased cells that grows inside
someone’s body, and that can be very dangerous for
their health. Some
tumours turn into cancers
Collocates: a benign tumour | a malignant tumour | a
brain tumour
an inoperable brain tumour (one that cannot be cured
by surgery) | the tumour had become aggressive (had
started to become dangerous) | the doctor said it was a
benign tumour (a tumour that is not dangerous to health)
| a malignant tumour on the kidney (a tumour that is
seriously dangerous to health)
a tumorous growth
wrist /
rɪst/ Noun
wrist is the joint that connects your hand to your arm
Collocates: sprain/break your wrist | a sprained/sore/
broken wrist | grab someone’s wrist
I sprained my wrist playing rugby | she wore a watch
on her right wrist | wrist injuries are best treated with
strapping or bandaging