Classification and ultrasound findings of vascular anomalies in pediatric age: the essential

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40477 2018 Article 342

partial/generalized overgrowth
Table 2
Proposal for report 
scheme of the eco-color 
Doppler exam
Indication of any supplementary investigations and/or follow-up diagnostic hypothesis (if possible)
Locate the lesion (subcutaneous tissue, beyond the fascia, in the muscle, etc.)
Describe the lesion (hard/soft, margins, echostructure: homogeneous/inhomogeneous)
Measure the lesion (three diameters!)
Describe the tissues surrounding the lesion (thickened/non-thickened)
Color Doppler
Non-vascularized lesion
Vascularized mass
Vascular lesion
Spectral analysis:
“High” or “low” flow lesion
Describe Arterial Resistivity Index (RI)
Describe venous spectrum: “flat” or “arterialized”

Journal of Ultrasound (2019) 22:13–25
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