P r a c t i c e In today’s practice, you’ll combine these aspects of lan-
guage with everything else you’ve learned in this book
about reading comprehension:
Finding the facts
Determining the main idea
Determining vocabulary meaning through context
Distinguishing facts and opinions
Chronological order
Cause and effect
Compare and contrast
Order of importance
Practice Passage 1 Begin with a paragraph someone might see in a local
newspaper: a profile of a town figure. Read the para-
graph carefully, marking it up as you go, and write
your observations in the space provided.
Ms. Crawford has been a model citizen since she
moved to Springfield in 1985. She started out as a
small business owner and quickly grew her busi-
ness until it was one of the major employers in the
region. In 1991, her company was profiled in
Busi- ness Week magazine. Her innovative business model
includes a great deal of community work and
fundraising, the rewards of which have brought deep
and lasting benefits to Springfield and its citizens.
Today, she is being honored with Springfield’s Citi-
zen of the Century Award to honor all her cutting-
edge efforts on behalf of our community.
If any of these terms or ideas sound unfamiliar to you, STOP. Please take a few minutes to review whatever lesson is unclear. – W O R D P O W E R : P U T T I N G I T A L L T O G E T H E R – 1 1 2
Your Observations: Now answer the following questions:
1. Ms. Crawford’s company was profiled in
Business Week a. in 1985.