Reading Comprehension Success III (@Mokhidas Tutorials)
3. d. Anne’s actions speak loudly. She answers the
phone and discontinues a conversation that is
important if the two of them intend to
remain roommates.
F i n d i n g I m p l i e d E f f e c t s Just as writers can imply cause, they can also suggest
effects. In the practice passage you just read, Anne
clearly had a specific goal. She purposely decided not to
do the dishes in an act of rebellion. Why? You know a
little bit about Anne and Brenda from the passage. Use
that knowledge to answer the following question. What
do you think Anne was hoping to achieve? What effect
do you think she was looking for?
1 . Brenda would do the dishes herself for once.
2. Brenda would get herself a new roommate.
3. Brenda would stop being so neat and so
How can you tell that number 3 is the best
answer? You have to look carefully at the passage. Anne
says, “Relax. I’ve got all night.” But, Brenda has her
own priorities. She says she is expecting company. Anne
responds by ignoring her and turning to a phone
The passage doesn’t directly say so, but from these
clues, you can conclude that Anne’s personality is
clearly more relaxed than Brenda’s. That’s why she
didn’t do the dishes and that’s also why she gladly took
a phone call.
But will she get the effect she hoped for? Take
another look at the passage, paying close attention to
the end. What do you think? Will Anne get her wish?
Will Brenda change her ways? Why do you think so?
Most likely, Anne won’t get her wish. How can
you tell? The end of the passage offers a strong clue.
Brenda clearly wants to resolve the situation, but she
can’t compete with the telephone and probably not
with Anne’s relaxed personality.
– A S S U M I N G C A U S E S A N D P R E D I C T I N G E F F E C T S