D e t e r m i n i n g I m p l i e d E f f e c t s
In order to learn how
to determine implied effects,
take another look at Mr. Miller (the man who had a
radio stolen from his car) and the parking garage where
he parks. Reread the statement of the parking garage
manager as well as the one from
Mr. Miller’s neighbor
and then use these statements to predict how the rob-
bery will affect Mr. Miller and the parking garage.
Parking garage manager
Radios have been stolen from four cars in our park-
ing garage this month. Each time, the
thieves have
managed to get by the parking garage security with
radios in hand, even though they do not have a
parking garage identification card, which
must show as they enter and exit the garage. Yet
each time, the security officers say they have seen
nothing unusual.
Mr. Miller’s neighbor
Well, Mr. Miller’s a pretty carefree person. I’ve bor-
rowed his car on several occasions, and
a few times,
I’ve found the doors unlocked when I arrived at the
garage. He often forgets things, too, like exactly
where he parked the car
on a particular day or where
he put his keys. One time, I found him wandering
around the garage looking for his keys, which he
thought he dropped on the way to the car, and it
turned out the car door was unlocked anyway.
Sometimes, I
wonder how he remembers his
address, let alone to take care of his car.
Based on these two paragraphs, which of the fol-
lowing effects would be logical results (effects) of the
thefts? Circle the correct answers.
Security will be tighter
in the parking garage
from now on.
People walking in and out of the garage will be
required to show their identification cards with
no exceptions.
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