ow that you’ve spent a good deal of time improving your reading comprehension, take this
posttest to see how much you’ve learned. If you took the pretest at the beginning of this book, you
can compare what you knew when you started the book with what you know now.
When you complete this test, grade yourself, and then compare your score with your score on the pretest.
If your score now is much greater than your pretest score, congratulations—you’ve profited noticeably from your
hard work. If your score shows little improvement, perhaps you need to review certain chapters. Do you notice a
pattern to the types of questions you got wrong? Whatever you score on this posttest, keep this book around for
review and refer to it when you need tips on how to read more efficiently.
Use the answer sheet on the next page to fill in the correct answers. Or, if you prefer, simply circle the answer
numbers in this book. If the book doesn’t belong to you, write the numbers 1–50 on a piece of paper and record
your answers there. Take as much time as you need to do this short test. When you finish, check your answers against
the answer key that follows. Each answer tells you which lesson of this book teaches you about the reading strat-
egy in that question.
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