Reading Comprehension Success III (@Mokhidas Tutorials)
1. The word “ostentatious” in the first sentence
most nearly means
a. stubborn.
b. youthful.
c. showy.
d. unadorned.
2. Teenagers embraced grunge fashion because
a. they were tired of Glam Rock fashion.
b. it defied corporate America and the shallow-
ness of pop culture.
c. grunge rockers told them to embrace it.
d. it outraged their parents.
3. By stating that “glam rockers were shallow, short
on substance, and musically inferior,” this author is
a. using a time-honored form of reporting that
dignifies his or her position.
b. resorting to a subjective, emotional assertion
that is not an effective way to build an
c. making an objective, logical assertion based
on facts.
d. merely quoting what others say about glam
rock and detaching her- or himself from the
4. This writer is trying to document
a. the popularity of glam rock.
b. Nirvana’s role in popularizing grunge music.
c. the rise and fall of grunge music.
d. the reasons young people responded so enthu-
siastically to grunge music.
5. According to this passage, what is the difference
between glam rock and grunge?
a. Glam rock is flashier and superficial, while
grunge is thought-provoking and anti-
b. Glam rock appeals to teenagers, while grunge
appeals to adults.
c. Glam rock faded quickly, while grunge is still
d. Glam rock was more commercially successful
than grunge.
6. The tone of the sentence, “The fickle American
mainstream public, as quick as they were to hop
on to the grunge bandwagon, were just as quick
to hop off and move on to something else” can
be best described as