Reading Comprehension Success III (@Mokhidas Tutorials)
– P R E T E S T – 1 3 34. What is the effect of the word choice “riparian”?
a. It gives the article an authoritative, scientific
b. It causes confusion, since both streams and
rivers could be viewed as riparian.
c. It seems condescending, as if the author was
stooping to teach readers.
d. It misleads readers into thinking they are get-
ting scientific information when they are not.
35. By listing the specific birds that live in riparian
areas, the author conveys a sense of
a. urgency on behalf of endangered species.
b. the rich and varied life in such areas.
c. his or her own importance as a scientific expert.
d. poetic wonder over the variety found in nature.
36. Assume that the author has done some other
writing on this topic for a different audience. The
other piece begins: “Remember the last time you
walked along a stream? No doubt thick vegeta-
tion prevented easy progress.” What is the likely
effect on the reader of this opening?
a. an aroused interest, due to the reference to the
reader’s personal experience
b. resentment, due to being addressed so
c. loss of interest, because the opening line
makes no attempt to draw the reader in
d. confusion, because not every reader has
walked along a stream
37. The main subject of the second paragraph of this
passage is
a. the types of birds that live in riparian areas.
b. the effect of winter cover on water purity.
c. the role of trees and shrubs in riparian areas.
d. how winter cover affects game bird