The information given in this type of chart does not change over time. The graph show s data abo u t the average Saturday sales o f tw o bakeries in London in 2010. S um m arize the info rm atio n by selecting an d reporting the m ain features, a n d m ake com parisons w h ere relevant. 1 Try w riting an answ er for the Task 1 question above. You w ill need to: • write an introduction to the topic of the graph in your own words (paragraph 1
); • give an overview of the main ideas in the graph (paragraph 2
): • describe the most important details, including numbers (paragraphs 3 and 4); • write a minimum of 1 5 0 words. In the exam , you have 2 0 minutes for Task 1. 2 Think about these questions before you start. 1 W hat will you write in the introduction? 2 W hat are the main differences between the sales from the two bakeries? 3 How could you group the data? 4 W hat gram m ar and vocabulary will you need to use? Bemie's Buns Understanding and interpreting the graph 3 Decide w hether these statements about the graph are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones. 1 On a typical Saturday, Bernie’s Buns is generally busier than Lovely Loaves. 2 Doughnuts are by far the most popular item among customers in both stores. 3 The second-best selling item in Bernie’s Buns is cookies. 4 Fresh loaves are the least popular snack overall. 5 Toasted sandwiches are as popular as cookies. 6 Lovely Loaves sells slightly more salads than Bernie’s Buns. 4 Compare answ ers w ith a partner and discuss the meaning of the phrases in bold.