This problem is asking you to divide $4.5 billion by 1.75 million.
When dealing with numbers that have many zeros, you can avoid mistakes by
using scientific notation or by writing out the numbers and canceling zeros
before using the calculator:
4.5 billion = 4,500,000,000 = 4.5 × 10
1.75 million = 1,750,000 = 1.75 × 10
The answer is (D). Alternatively, write one number on top of the other in fully
expanded form, and cancel zeros before using the calculator:
This problem is asking you to divide $69.97 trillion by
6,973,738,433. When dealing with numbers that have many zeros, you can
avoid mistakes by using scientific notation or by writing out the numbers and
canceling zeros before using the calculator.
Before doing that, however, look at the answers—they are very far apart from
one another, which gives you license to estimate. GDP is about 70 trillion.
Population is about 7 billion. Thus:
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