107 Interviews: Holding a Formal Conversation
• ‘What if we reallocated resources?’
• ‘What if we tried again?’
Keep your options open:
‘What else could you do?’
‘Could you do it differently?’
‘Are there other ways of meeting this target or goal?’
Carefully examine the costs
and benefits of the action; list its
positive, negative and interesting aspects. Don’t
limit yourselves
to one option: perhaps you can merge two or more as a realistic
of action, or schedule options as immediate and longer
What to do
This part of the coaching process
is about drawing up a
detailed action plan:
• ‘What are you going to do?’
• ‘When will you do it?’
• ‘Will this action (or series of actions) move you towards
your goal?’
• ‘What barriers might you have to overcome?’
• ‘Who else will be involved?’
• ‘What support do you need? Where will you find it?’
• ‘What other consequences are there of this course of
action, and how do we deal with them?’
And it is vital for the coach to ask a final question:
• ‘What can I do to help?’
It is a good idea to document
the agreed action plan, and even
sign it, to confirm that the coachee
is committed to carrying it
through. Build in a review date to monitor progress.
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