------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EPRA International Journal of Socio-Economic and Environmental Outlook (SEEO) ISSN: 2348-4101 Volume: 9 | Issue: 2| February 2022 | SJIF Impact Factor: 7.426 | Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra0314 | Peer-Reviewed Journal 2022 EPRA SEEO | www.eprajournals.com | Journal DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra0314 58
obtained during excavations during the field
operations carried out by the groups in our country,
played an important role in covering the location of
mankind in the Early Stone Age, daily life and the
history of ethnic processes. It is known from the
results of archeological research that in the territory
of our country, the mountains and foothills are
located around the springs.
Excavations in Uzbekistan in the early
Stone Age since the 1960s have uncovered 1 million-
year-old artifacts from hunters who practiced daily
around a spring on the left bank of the Kyzylolma
River south of the Chatkal Mountains in the
Akhangaran Valley of the Tashkent oasis. The results
of archeological research show that the area around
Kulbulok is open - flat, ecologically friendly, and the
spring is rich in organic matter. In the 1980s, U.
Islamov carried out excavations in the Selungur cave
(length 120, width 34, height 25 m) located in the
village of Haydarkon, Fergana Valley. The tools and
anthropological items found in the excavations
belong to the Kuyi stage of the Ashel period.
According to archeological literature, in the territory
of Navoi region in the settlements of Uchtut, Ijond
and Vaush were found material objects belonging to
the Early Stone Age.
Material objects belonging to the lower
stage of the Ashel period were found in the cultural
strata of Esen-2.3, Korayuduy and Churuk-12
settlements around the real Shakyrakhta basin of
Ustyurt (7). Researchers note that Central Asia in
early Paleolithic settlements has also been studied in
other historical geographical areas. For example, in
the Vakhsh Valley of Tajikistan, in the area adjacent
to the eastern shore of the Caspian Sea, Karatangir,
Yangaja, in Kyrgyzstan, the Onarchadarya River, in
front of the Karatog in southern Kazakhstan, the
settlements of the Ashel period were found. (8)
While the historical and cultural regions that make up
the territory of Uzbekistan formed as a result of
geological processes were one of the geographical
locations, it is not difficult to observe the degree of
difference in geographical location in natural
physical cartography. In addition to the main territory
of Uzbekistan, the paleogeography and ecology of
the Fergana and Tashkent valleys, as well as the left-
bank serum of Khorezm, are radically different. The
physical and geographical features of the Ustyurt
Plateau, located in the western part of Uzbekistan, are
geographical regions. The Ustyurt Plateau is located
between the Caspian and the Aral Sea, with a total
area of 200,000 m2 and 70.3 thousand km2 of
It is known from the results of
archeological research that the climatic conditions
and ecological situation of the Ustyurt Plateau during
the Pleistocene glaciers have the potential to be
assimilated by humans. According to historical data,
in the lower stage of the Ashel period, the Ustyurt
Plateau was located along the shores of the rivers,
which were drained by humans around the
Shahpakhta basins. So, one of the most important
geographical features of Ustyurt is the absence of low
and high mountains, rivers. The geographical
position and ecology of the land surface, which is
connected to the Ustyurt Plateau by its southern and
south-eastern sides, are radically different.
First, the geographical features of the
north-western and north-eastern regions were
explained by the Sultan-Uvays mountain range, the
Karatag Kokcha mountain range. In the VI-IV
millennia BC on the right bank there were low-lying
Kyzylkum barkhans, several reservoirs from Shura
khan to the Aral Sea. Later paleogeography of the
Khorezm-Tashhavuz plain was formed here.
The geographical position of the western