Set the intention
If you’re unsure about what you
want, you’ll end up with a lot
of things you’re unsure of.
Before going after your goals, you have to know what you want. You cannot
attain that which you’re unsure about. You wouldn’t go into a restaurant and
say, ‘I think I want the vegetable curry,’ when placing your order. You either
want it or you don’t.
If you’re
confused about your intention, the results that follow will reflect
that. For example, if the waiter asks you how
spicy you want the vegetable
curry but say you’re not sure, you could receive any level of spice. If you
find it too spicy, it would be your own fault because you didn’t give
clear instructions.
Setting the right goal is everything. It has to reflect what you deeply desire –
not what you think you
want. For many years, the things I believed I
wanted were actually only to impress other people. Sometimes I’d achieve
these things and feel surprised that they didn’t satisfy me.
Your goals should reflect who you are as a person. They should be the things
you think about all the time that you know will improve the quality of your
life. Having materialistic desires is fine; only
those who have completely
transcended their ego don’t have any. Nevertheless, your goals should mean a
lot to you. For example, someone might want a bigger house to raise a large
family in, so they can share good times together. There’s greater meaning to
this goal than wanting the bigger house just to prove how rich you are.
Once you make an intention clear, the Universe will work in miraculous
ways. When we put what we want out there, the manifestation process begins
and things start to unfold in our favour. Our dreams come to life.
J. Cole is a renowned American rapper, writer and producer, who previously
had jobs in advertising and debt collecting. In a 2011 interview, Cole claimed
that after watching the rapper 50 Cent’s
Get Rich or Die Tryin’
, he
was inspired to make himself a T-shirt carrying the bold statement: ‘Produce
for Jay-Z or Die Tryin’. In the interview, Cole said he thought he could take a
different route to becoming a rapper by first becoming noticed as a producer.
He wanted to create an avenue to his main goal, and that’s why he created the
After wearing the T-shirt in the hope that someone from the music industry or
Jay-Z himself would recognize him, it wasn’t until several years later that
something amazing happened: with his goal set and his great work ethic
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