Essential information for assessment decisions Learning aim A For Distinction standard, learners will evaluate the characteristics of different testing
methodologies used in two different software development projects, and the effect that
the development methodology has on these projects. They will give advantages and
disadvantages of each methodology, justifying its suitability for each project. Learners
will suggest alternative solutions should the methodology not be suitable, with
reasoning. For example, in the development and testing of a large software project with
undecided requirements, learners will evaluate the waterfall and Agile methodologies
and decide that even though waterfall is a solid and proven model, it is not appropriate
for the iterative releases that such a project requires. They may suggest that an Agile
approach would be beneficial to the project due to its flexibility and opportunities to
release software builds. Learners may also suggest that a disadvantage of Agile is the
steep learning curve required by developers and stakeholders in the project
methodology, which results in resource and training costs.
Overall, the evidence, such as a case study or specification, will be easy to read and
understand by a third party who may be an apprentice software tester. It will be logically
structured and use technical engineering and software development terms with a high
standard of written language, i.e. consistent use of correct grammar and spelling, and
consistent reference of information sources.
For Merit standard , learners will compare the characteristics of different testing
methodologies used in two different software development projects. They will also
compare the effect that using two different project development methodologies has.
For example, an advantage of using the Agile project methodology is that the scope of
the software product and the test scripts can be easily changed to meet the customer’s
requirements compared with the waterfall methodology, where the client’s needs and
test scripts are fixed early on in the project life cycle.
Overall, the evidence will be logically structured, technically accurate and easy to