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Ilmiy-amaliy konferensiya to‘plami

person with the goal of forming a perfect person and a perfect generation. not studied at the 
It is known from history that Eastern pedagogy once flourished. When the German 
scientist Herler said, "The East is the author of Europe", he probably meant these periods of 
development. In our country, the upbringing of a mature generation is of great importance in 
the establishment of a democratic legal state and civil society. It is important to create a 
healthy social environment, to fundamentally reform the education system, to restore and 
honor national and universal human values in the education of young people, who are the 
foundation of our future. in a word, it is possible to self-realize, to live in a free and free 
society, to selflessly fight for our independent country to occupy a worthy and prestigious 
place in the world community. Pedagogy develops based on the development laws of society. 
Today, this process has reached its peak. In particular, the work being done to establish a legal 
state shows that the national consciousness is rising day by day. As long as the human 
consciousness does not progress, no change is felt in the aspects of social life. Already, "Only a 
truly enlightened person can selflessly realize the human value, the values of the nation, in a 
word, his identity, live in a free and free society, and take a dignified place in the international 
community of our independent country." can fight" 
In short, today we have a "storehouse" of games, from simple games that develop the 
child physically to intellectual games that are popular among adults. With the use of all 
modern teaching technologies in games, the student quickly learns the conditions of the game 
and accepts the task assigned to him. In the process of fulfilling the rules of the game, the 
player has the opportunity to freely make his own optimal decisions in solving the problems 
in the game. In the process of using modern teaching technologies, the personal quality of the 
students will improve, the student will be able to improve his abilities in the future, be able to 
use them correctly in his professional activities, and of course create an opportunity to 
become a perfect person. effectively using the conditions created on the basis of such modern 
requirements, the organization of lessons on the basis of advanced pedagogical and 
information communication technologies guarantees the quality of the educational process.
Professional skills are formed on the basis of acquired knowledge, activity skills and life 
experience. In order to have a high spiritual and moral and professional qualification, a person 
should be able to set a specific goal and constantly search for it, read and learn. Only then will 
he become a qualified staff, resistant to social competition. Having a sense of self-awareness, 
being able to fully and effectively use the services in the field of education, and achieving 
thorough assimilation of scientific and professional knowledge create a foundation for a 
person to become a mature specialist. The perfection of a person, first of all, depends on him. 

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