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Literature analysis and methodology

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Ilmiy-amaliy konferensiya to‘plami

Literature analysis and methodology: 
Phraseological units in Uzbek linguistics were 
specially studied in the works of scientists such as Sh.Rakhmatullayev, M.I.Umarkhodjayev, 
A.M.Bushuy, A.E.Mamatov, B.Yuldoshev (10). 
Research of linguocognitive and national-cultural aspects of phraseologisms was carried 
out by N.Z.Nasrullayeva, A.A.Nosirov, D.K.Bakhranova, L.E.Kholmuradova, Z.Q.Teshaboyeva. 
(2) In works dedicated to the research of phraseological units from the national-cultural point 
of view, issues such as the concept of the phraseological concept, the analysis of the national 

mental fields of language speakers of a certain culture, and the study of the mental essence of 
phraseology in one or another language have been studied. 
Discussion and results: 
The British can distinguish between different types of white-
blonde hair as an aesthetic value: fiery blonde hair; silver (platinum) blonde hair; dyed blonde 
hair. In the process of thinking they create cultural scripts, and those cognitive units are not 
left out of the process of linguistic events, a bushfire blonde; a platinum blonde; A peroxide 
blonde (1) takes place and name from the language. 
The conclusion is that in English phraseological expressions there are the following 
images related 
to the concept of “beauty”: youth, health, natural beauties, divine, imaginative 
fairy-tale images. Admiring beauty through sight widely used in English phraseological 
expressions through the image of “eye”. When assessing the 
aesthetic appearance of a person, 
the British prefer light, bright colors. 
In the Uzbek language, visual perception has a special place in Uzbek language, as 
animate or inanimate beings are given an aesthetic assessment through the eyes. Beauty is 
first perceived through the eyes, and then passes to the analysis of thought. But the beauty of 
the seen object activates all the senses of the subject. Our opinion is proved in the following 
Uzbek expressions: to appear like fire to the eyes; to dazzle; to stand out; to be close to the eye 
1). Qizing kundan kun ko‘zga yaqin bo‘layotir kelinjon, ehtiyot bo‘l (Oydin). The meaning of 
the word “near” in this phrase is not denotative, but i
t expresses the meaning of attraction. 
Why does it say “Be careful” in the abov
e sentence? Is it a sin to be close to the eyes? The 
philosophical answer to these questions is reflected in the language, that is, to take away 
consciousness; beat from the heart; to turn one's head; to bewitch; to capture; In expressions 
such as “to be a
disaster” (6)
, we can understand the upheaval caused by beauty, which leads 
to chaos. That is, so that the beauty of this visible object does not lead to the frame of chaos 
that will hit the hearts of some subjects, the script in the mind of the old woman chose the 
ase “Be careful
, daughter-in-
law” (Ehtiyot bo‘l, kelinjon) in the brain. Take away the 
consciousness explained above; beat from the heart; to turn one's head; three concepts of 
pleasure, love, and beauty complement each other in his expressions. 
So, the concepts form language units in an inseparable way. If you pay attention, in the 
Uzbek linguistic culture, human beauty is expressed more in the language compared to the 
beauty of nature. Beauty in harmony with nature excites human senses, and in this way, 
expressions describing a woman arise: to open like a flower; glittering like a peacock; to open 
like a bud; the star is hot; the moon is like the moon; Expressions 
like “day” and “day” are 
proof of our opinion.For example: The garden will be filled with girls wearing fine satin
girbishin and shining like peacocks. (Oybek); It was the time when he was growing up and 
blooming like a flower (P. Tursun) 

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