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Ilmiy-amaliy konferensiya to‘plami

high the value of beauty is for a person, that emotional admiration is superior to intellectual 
admiration. Clear evidence of the expression of the concept of “beauty” through the concepts 
of youth and health is noteworthy. The images of youth and the passionate battle of life 
appear in English ph
raseological expressions as the main sign of “beauty”, that is, as long as 
you are young, you are healthy, and beauty is your companion: as handsome as young Greek 
god; as fresh as daisy; like a fly in amber; lose one's roses; off color; without color. The beauty 
of the young Greek god is determined by the breath of youth; It is a simple fact that qualities 
such as being well-preserved like a fly in amber and the fact that time has not passed its 
judgment even when a person is old, remain visible to a person. 
The English nation, like all other nations, delights in the beauties of nature, and seems to 
see its signs in man. Zoomorphism appear in the form of metaphors and similes. (2) 
Zoomorphism means the figurative use of animal images in order to form a figurative 
description of a person or object. Admiration of these images, as a result of comparison, is 
expressed in language: a dolly bird, fair as lily; May Queen; graceful as a swan; as shining as 
star; mild as a dove. So, such images as a swan, a daisy, a lily, a butterfly, a dove, a rose, a 
beautiful bird, May of spring, and a star are values in the national cultural field of beauty in 
English language culture. In English phraseological units, the sense of beauty through the 
sense of taste was also seen in the following expressions: sweets to the sweets; be too sweet 
for words. To be too sweet for words means “so beautiful that even words cannot describe it”. 
It seems that when language is unable to describe, other pleasant sensations and feelings, that 
is, sweetness and beauty, are compared. Also as handsome as young Greek god; like an angel; 
comparison to divine images in phrases like out of this world; Prince charming; comparing the 
belle of the ball with characters in fairy tales; as pretty as picture; We witnessed the 
expression of the concept of “beauty” in the English language culture by comparing it to works 
of art in the phrase “as handsome as paint”. Cognitive stereotypes, models (frame, script, 
script, gestalt) are related to the cultural environment in which a person was brought up, 
because cognitive units are formed based on the perception of reality existing in the culture. 
Another peculiarity of the English language culture is that blue eyes, golden color and 
silver hair are signs of beauty in human appearance. We see that people with these 
characteristics are pleasant and beloved by the English in the following phraseological 
expressions: the blue-eyed boy; the golden (white) headed boy; the fair-haired; white-haired 
boy. Without taking into account the communicative and methodological status of 
phraseological units, using them under the influence of the original units in abnormal 
conditions for the language of translation, the formation of combinations that are not allowed 
by the majority of the culture of the language of translation, and sometimes the meaning and 
can cause a completely different interpretation of the task (9) . 
Linguistically analyzing the phrase blue eyed boy, as a result of the phenomenon of 
metonymy, this phrase is used in the meaning of love, that is: the blue-eyed boy is beautiful 
and he creates a frame worthy of love. Although there are positive stereotypes about blue 
eyes in the English national-cultural society. The phrase blue eyed rich has a negative 
connotation meaning cheap. 

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