TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………...4 MODULE I. RESEARCH METHODS OF PROFESSIONAL PSYCHOLOGY…………………………………………………………………..7 1.1. Introduction to the Department of Professional Psychology. The subject, tasks
and importance of occupational psychology……………………………….............7
1.2. Relationship of occupational psychology with other disciplines. The role of
occupational psychology in social life……………………………………………18
1.3. Observation methods. Test methods………………………………………….26
1.4. Complex methods based on the integration of disciplines in revealing the
psychological essence of the profession…………………………………………..34
MODULE II. DIAGNOSIS OF PROFESSIONAL DIGNITY……………….38 2.1. Reliability of tests to determine professional competence. Psychodiagnostics
of the person………………………………………………………………………38
2.2. Professional psychodiagnostics. History of professiogram (professiography):
causes, possibilities, improvement………………………………………………..48
MODULE III. THE NATURE OF PROFESSIOGRAPHY, THE HISTORY OF ITS OWN…………………………………………………………………….65 3.1. The essence of professiography and its basic principles. Conduct professional
3.3. The structure of professiography. The concept of psychogram. Personal
requirements of different professions……………………………………………..72
MODULE IV. PSYCHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF EARLY ADOLESCENCE………………………………………………………………...79 4.1. Psychological features of early adolescence. Mental development in early
adolescence. Personal characteristics of young people in early adolescence……..79
MODULE V. STUDENT PSYCHOLOGY AND STUDY ACTIVITY………99 5.1. Psychological characteristics of students. Features of student thinking.
Ehamination of socio-psychological characteristics of the student's personality…99
5.2. Ways to Overcome the Challenges of Higher Education. Psychological
analysis of the lesson…………………………………………………………….105