reflective writing ). This will allow solitary
learners to opt out of situations that they find demotivating or uncomfortable.
Advertisement. Meeting Learner Needs It's important for teachers to use
differentiated instructional strategies that incorporate elements
that will appeal to all learning styles. Not only will this help improve the learning experience for
all students by ensuring that their preferences are considered, but it will also help individual
learners expand their capabilities beyond their own natural tendencies. While individual students
may have a preference for a certain approach to learning, it's important for everyone to develop
a well-rounded approach to learning.
LESSON DEVELOPMENT In areas in which trainees already have some knowledge or experience, discussion may be used to
develop the main points to be covered in a lesson. For example, in safety training many of the
procedures and behavior that should be observed can be established through discussion with
trainees. Trainees can draw on their experience of working in workshops contract sites to
contribute to the discussion. In discussing some issues, differences of opinion arise. The
discussion can help to clarify the different points of view and may assist each trainee to define his
or her own opinion. Used in this way, discussion may be more effective in motivating trainees
than lectures. Trainees can see that some importance is attached to their contributions.
FEEDBACK The discussion method also provides an opportunity to monitor trainees learning. The answers
provided by trainees and the questions they ask, reveal the extent and quality of learning taking
place. Instructors can use this information to repeat or modify an explanation to improve learning.
They can also provide feedback to trainees, thereby helping to reinforce learning that has taken
place. Discussion used in this way should follow after other methods of classroom instruction such
as lectures, demonstration or practice sessions.