155 20.1. Mechanical properties of soils…………………………………….
155 20.2. Friction and friction fose in compaction of soils………………..
158 21. Description of engineering -geological places and rocks ………
160 22. Aerial photography and aerial visual observations ……………
165 22.1. Interpretation features of the main types of mountain ash
described in aerial photographs…………………………………...
166 22.2. Interpretation of tectonic structures and stratigraphic complexes
in aerial photographs………………………………………………
171 23. Mine processing ……………………………………………….…
179 24. Tasks and methods of engineering - exploration work ………..
184 24.1. Tasks and methods of engineering and geological exploration…...
184 24.2. Physico-mechanical characteristic soil. Estimation soil as
building materials…………………………………………………
185 24.3. Tasks and methods of engineering and geological exploration…...
186 24.4. Field work…………………………………………………………
187 25. Geophysical research methods used in engineering and geological exploration. Electrical exploration. Seismic exploration. Magnetic survey. Radioactive methods …….…….
188 26. Engineering and geological exploration in industrial construction.
190 26.1. Technical project, work drawing ( two - stage design)…………...
190 26.1.1. Technical working project ( single - stage project)……...………..
190 27 Laboratory and desk work. Geological map and sections.