Project Report of Electricity Billing System Page - 14 Preliminary Product Description: The first step in the system development life cycle is the preliminary investigation
to determine the feasibility of the system. The purpose of the preliminary investigation is
to evaluate project requests. It is not a design study nor does it include the collection of
details to describe the business system in all respect. Rather, it is the collecting of
information that helps committee members to evaluate the merits of the project request
and make an informed judgment about the feasibility of the proposed project.
Analysts working on the preliminary investigation should accomplish the following objectives:
Clarify and understand the project request
Determine the size of the project.
Assess costs and benefits of alternative approaches.
Determine the technical and operational feasibility of alternative approaches.
Report the findings to management, with recommendations outlining the
acceptance or rejection of the proposal.
Benefit to Organization The organization will obviously be able to gain benefits such as savings in
operating cost, reduction in paperwork, better utilization of human resources and more
presentable image increasing goodwill.
The Initial Cost The initial cost of setting up the system will include the cost of hardware software
(OS, add-on software, utilities) & labour (setup & maintenance). The same has to bear
by the organization.