Power Questions: Build Relationships, Win New Business, and Influence Others

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Power Questions Build Relationships Win New Business and Influence

—Diana Brightmore‐Armour,
CEO, Corporate Banking,
Lloyds Banking Group
“Your relationships will never be the same. Organized and written in a
highly accessible ‘story‐telling’ style, Power Questions is as
entertaining as it is deep, and its lessons and value are as relevant and
powerful for any Fortune 500 CEO as they are for a teacher, parent, or
my 14‐year‐old son. Andrew Sobel and Jerry Panas have distilled the
art of communicating down to the core skill of crafting and posing ‘the
right’ questions at ‘the right’ times–questions that open doors and
engender the engagement necessary to build meaningful relationships
and true connectivity.”
—Adam L. Reeder,
Managing Director and Global
Head of Building Products
and Basic Materials,
Credit Suisse First Boston

Copyright©2012 by Andrew Sobel and Jerold Panas. All rights
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To all the men and women who wish to build
fresh and exciting relationships, thrive professionally,
and motivate all you come in
contact with–this book is dedicated to you.
If you believe, as we do, that most often
the question is more important than the answer,
you are well on your way to success
at work and in life.

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