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Shahnoza Yuldasheva, teacher of school No, 20, Ishtikhan district THE ROLE OF NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION IN “EFL” (ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE) CLASSES Annotatsiya. Maqolada EFL darslarida o‘qitish samaradorligini oshirish uchun og‘zaki bo‘lmagan muloqot usullaridan
foydalanish yo‘llari haqida fikr yuritilgan. Bu masala yuzasidan g‘arb olimlarining fikrlari o‘rganilgan va og‘zaki bo‘lmagan
muloqotni dars jarayionida qo‘llashning foydali tomonlari haqida xulosalar berilgan.
Kalit so‘zlar : og‘zaki bo‘lmagan muloqot, dars, masofa, yuz ifodasi, ishoralar, hissiyot.
The article reflects on ways to use nonverbal communication techniques to improve the effectiveness of teaching in EFL
classes. The opinions of Western scholars have been studied on this issue, and conclusions have been made about the
benefits of using non-verbal communication in the course process.
Keywords: non-verbal communication, lesson, distance, facial expression, gestures, emotion.
В статье рассматриваются способы использования методов невербальной коммуникации для повышения
эффективности преподавания на занятиях EFL. Были изучены мнения западных ученых по этому вопросу, и были
сделаны выводы о преимуществах использования невербальной коммуникации в процессе обучения.
Ключевые слова: невербальная коммуникация, урок, дистанция, выражение лица, жесты, эмоции.
Non-verbal communication―which significantly increases the influence of oral speech - is the language of
emotions, a product of the social development of a person, non-verbal language (gestures) covers not only oral
characteristics (voice, timbre, tempo of speech). It also includes movement style, restraint, dress style, including
hairstyles, looks, and clothing. It helps to mutually understand the gesture of non - verbal speech-reading language,
Learning a foreign language, namely English, as a second language during primary school is beneficial for
students, as these young students have a great opportunity to learn and understand new knowledge. Elementary
school students are able to easily process clear, meaningful, visual information due to their vitality and activity.
It is inappropriate to lecture in elementary school classes, because young students have the ability to imitate,
and they love acting. Therefore, it is permissible for English teachers of the primary class to take into account
the cognitive and physiological characteristics of their students and apply an effective teaching strategy, that
2023-yil 7-son Tadqiqot is, non-verbal speech. Nonverbal communication is the process by which a communicator, using his natural
properties, conveys information to another communicator and instinctively gives a specific meaning [3]. It is of
great importance in the EFL (English as a foreign language) class of primary school. For example, it can contribute
to the reader’s understanding and memory of vocabulary, sentences, and dialogues. There are 3 branches of non-
verbal communication: 1) parallel language 2) proxemics and 3) kinesthetics.
According to Brown and Easterhold, parallel language is associated with the use of such devices as pitch, pitch
and speed of voice during speech [11]. This can clearly demonstrate our feelings. For example, when we want to